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Author Topic: Stop me before I buy a Calspa  (Read 9019 times)


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Re: Stop me before I buy a Calspa
« Reply #15 on: July 28, 2004, 11:09:47 am »
Here's an historical perspective:

I used to do repair on pools and spas. I did warranty work for a local  store which was factory-owned. But I would also get calls directly from Cal spa owners who would offer to pay me to come fix a spa that clearly should have been under warranty.

They had either gotten tired of waiting, or had simply been refused by the factory. Many of these spas had been down for months, some after only running for a week or two after delivery.

I would go to the home, find the problem and attempt to order the replacement part. Never came.  I would use the toll-free number from the factory, or talk to the local store manager. Parts never came - or they would come wrong and I couldn't return them. I used to get so ticked, because I was trying to cover their stupid mistake, and now they were making my company look bad.

A couple of other repair guys and I got together to compare notes, and they were all having the same problems. We found sources for generic replacements of things such as diverter valves - cut out the Cal part and put in a Jandy or Ortega - and we began to order pumps and motors that were not exact matches but worked as well or better. We ordered a case of the slo-blo fuses and split them amongst our trucks, and then we found a source for the odd relays and other control-box items that we simply couldn't seem to get out of the factory. Heaters were generic flow-through items at the time, and we seemed to replace a lot of those.

We had none of these problems - nor did we have to go to these great lengths - with companies like Sudance, Jacuzzi, D1, HotSpring or Coleman, which were are locally represented and which we all did work on.

Now - this was ten years ago, and we have a new dealer in a town nearby. I'm not in the repair biz anymore personally, and I don't seem to be getting as many calls to the stores - I think this dealer has his act together. Cal Spa keeps telling everybody they have improved - in our local market either they have improved, they aren't selling as many tubs, or this dealer is covering for them well.

The one thing I still keep hearing about is this: they seem to offer one warranty to everybody as they present the product. It's supposed to offer great coverage. But then when you sit down to sign the contract, it suddenly only applies to certain models or types of units, and the one YOU ordered didn't qualify. But for some reason, this discrepancy isn't obvious to normal people - you don't seem to find out about it until you need some help. Now, I haven't personally gone through this, so I must emphasize that I'm only repeating what I have heard, but I have heard the exact same thing from numerous people in person as well as on several boards.

There are plenty of great tub makers out there. Plenty. Most of them make a tub that you could be proud to own and that will last for years and years. Any of the major players should have something you can enjoy. Teasing or joking aside, the only company you'll see me speak negatively about is Cal Spa.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.

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Re: Stop me before I buy a Calspa
« Reply #15 on: July 28, 2004, 11:09:47 am »


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Re: Stop me before I buy a Calspa
« Reply #16 on: July 28, 2004, 11:16:12 am »

I. But I would also get calls directly from Cal spa owners who would offer to pay me to come fix a spa that clearly should have been under warranty.

Thats the relationship I have these days with Dell Computers.  People would rather pay me that talking to "Bob"  in Bangledesh.    ;)
« Last Edit: July 28, 2004, 11:16:29 am by wmccall »
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Re: Stop me before I buy a Calspa
« Reply #17 on: July 28, 2004, 11:38:33 am »
Stop me before I buy a Calspa?

The statement is washed with reluctance and self-doubt- And I can tell you from experience that having so little confidence in the decision making process is simply a red flag.

This certainly is the precusor to buyers remorse if you buy- no matter what brand you chose. If youre going to buy something, buy something you have some confidence in...


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Re: Stop me before I buy a Calspa
« Reply #18 on: July 28, 2004, 04:22:19 pm »
The internal conflict is quite normal before a major purchase.

So, let's say I pull the trigger on the bottom of the line "Geyser" by Saratoga for $600 more?

Any comments from you all on that specific product?

I can't post "thank you" enough. This forum is wonderful, a great example of the internet working via merely connecting real live people.


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Re: Stop me before I buy a Calspa
« Reply #19 on: July 28, 2004, 05:08:15 pm »
A product I would never consider baseed on personality conflict. I happen to think that the way a person treats his/her business associates is probably going to reflect in the product or service they are providing. Saratoga, NO.

The internal conflict is quite normal before a major purchase.

So, let's say I pull the trigger on the bottom of the line "Geyser" by Saratoga for $600 more?

Any comments from you all on that specific product?

I can't post "thank you" enough. This forum is wonderful, a great example of the internet working via merely connecting real live people.

If you like it and you want it BUY IT!


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Re: Stop me before I buy a Calspa
« Reply #20 on: August 07, 2004, 09:24:39 pm »
I recently purchased my first hot tub.  The dealer I ended up buying from carried Cal Spa and Beechcomber. I was able to compare the two brands in the store.  I also read a lot of postings on this site that said nothing but bad things about Cal Spa.  I eventually bought a Beechcomber 730 and I love it.

Personally, I'd stay away from the Cal Spa.  


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Re: Stop me before I buy a Calspa
« Reply #21 on: August 07, 2004, 10:26:41 pm »
Hey rolltide.



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Re: Stop me before I buy a Calspa
« Reply #22 on: August 12, 2004, 09:03:44 am »
So do they have a website?  They seem to be an affordable spa, but where can I go to check them out?

I just started looking today!


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Re: Stop me before I buy a Calspa
« Reply #23 on: August 12, 2004, 01:44:17 pm »
Best place to check out any spa- the dealer.
Find some in your area, pop in, take a look, ask questions.  Once you narrow your choices, wet test the ones you are serious about, buy the one you liked best, then start soaking.


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Re: Stop me before I buy a Calspa
« Reply #24 on: August 12, 2004, 02:05:23 pm »
Websites can be a great source of info before you go to check out the spa. They can be full of good info and general facts that can help rule out or rule in. And there's the possiblity that you'll learn more than the dealer knows when you goto check out the spa (that's how it was with my local D1 dealer)

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Re: Stop me before I buy a Calspa
« Reply #24 on: August 12, 2004, 02:05:23 pm »


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