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Author Topic: Great Lakes Hot Tub  (Read 7566 times)


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Re: Great Lakes Hot Tub
« Reply #15 on: May 25, 2017, 09:09:55 pm »

Well, like I said, after tightening the 220 cable coming into the box,,,,it won't start up.  Just makes a small "click" noise when I push the jet button, and does nothing.  From the very first, I suspected a pump going bad, and have had my hand on that pump numerous times when trying to get it working.  Not even once, have I felt vibration or humming coming from the pump itself.  The ONLY place I did feel (and see) vibration,,,,,and this has been numerous times, was on the main panel box (that includes the aluminum case itself, as well as the the wires and main circuit board).  Right now, it's doing nothing.
Are you sure there isn't something else I can try?

Take the pump out (10 minute job for me) Put it on a bench and tear it apart. See if the motor spins, check the impeller see if it's stuck. The click is the relay in the control. It is trying to start the pump. Unless you can somehow spin the shaft between the motor and pump.

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Re: Great Lakes Hot Tub
« Reply #15 on: May 25, 2017, 09:09:55 pm »


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Re: Great Lakes Hot Tub
« Reply #16 on: May 29, 2017, 05:41:22 pm »
Ok,,,,,have a lot of stuff going on,,,,,,just got back to hot tub.  I took a pair of thin "channel locks", and was able to get them between the motor and the pump housing.  The shaft turned freely, and I could feel a little "play" as I turned it one way, then the other.  I feel that the motor is turning freely, BUT, I was going to pull the pump anyway, as you suggested.  Looked like about a 10 minute job to me too!  I closed off my valves, and was getting ready to loosen the bolts where it mounts to the board holding it, the blower, and the main control box.  I was wondering if they were screws, or had nuts on the under side when I thought about that big fuse in the control box again.  I stopped everything, got my meter, and checked the fuse in the holder.  No continuity,,,,so I pulled the fuse and checked it, and again, no continuity.  Sometime after I had tightened those 220 wires going into the box, something blew that fuse.  It is Memorial Day, and almost 6pm, so I am going to wait until tomorrow and get another fuse, and see what it does then.  Right now I have power on the top side controls, and the spa light, even with the bad fuse,,,,,,but the motor won't come on, just hearing the clicking.  Hopefully, when I replace the fuse, the motor will come on again.


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Re: Great Lakes Hot Tub
« Reply #17 on: May 29, 2017, 06:17:32 pm »
Ok,,,,,have a lot of stuff going on,,,,,,just got back to hot tub.  I took a pair of thin "channel locks", and was able to get them between the motor and the pump housing.  The shaft turned freely, and I could feel a little "play" as I turned it one way, then the other.  I feel that the motor is turning freely, BUT, I was going to pull the pump anyway, as you suggested.  Looked like about a 10 minute job to me too!  I closed off my valves, and was getting ready to loosen the bolts where it mounts to the board holding it, the blower, and the main control box.  I was wondering if they were screws, or had nuts on the under side when I thought about that big fuse in the control box again.  I stopped everything, got my meter, and checked the fuse in the holder.  No continuity,,,,so I pulled the fuse and checked it, and again, no continuity.  Sometime after I had tightened those 220 wires going into the box, something blew that fuse.  It is Memorial Day, and almost 6pm, so I am going to wait until tomorrow and get another fuse, and see what it does then.  Right now I have power on the top side controls, and the spa light, even with the bad fuse,,,,,,but the motor won't come on, just hearing the clicking.  Hopefully, when I replace the fuse, the motor will come on again.

Very common problem. I thought you said you replaced that? I wonder what made it pop again?


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Re: Great Lakes Hot Tub
« Reply #18 on: May 29, 2017, 10:55:41 pm »
No,,,,,,,I had never replaced it,,,,,,,,I checked it, and it checked good.  At that time, the motor was also coming on, but wasn't sure if both speeds were coming on.  You told me to check the voltage coming into the main panel, which I did, then I tightened all three connections.  When I next turned the breaker on,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,that was when nothing happened and we thought the pump had locked up.  But instead, that fuse had blown (for the first time in 14 years).  I don't know what could have caused it to blow at this time.


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Re: Great Lakes Hot Tub
« Reply #19 on: June 02, 2017, 07:14:37 pm »
Ok, here we go Tman!  I replaced the fuse,,,,,,,,,,,,,the tub started up, circulating on slow speed, and making that "horrific" noise intermittently.  From a "cold start", the tub stayed on the slow speed (with the noise off and on) for about 10 minutes, then it kicked up to high speed (and the noise was gone immediately).  Runs and sounds just like it always did on high speed.  Now, after it has ran awhile, it seems to be back to it's factory preset 12 hour cycle (turns on automatically every 12 hours for a regular re-circulation of the water.)  When it recycles, it starts out with the low speed (and noise) for about 5 minutes,,then kicks up to high speed (and runs just like new).  One thing we have also noticed about it, is that it was preset to circulate for 30 minutes, when you turn it on high speed, then shut down.  Last night it ran for over an hour,,,and did not shut down until we pressed the jet button, then it shut off.  Also, before if you got in the tub when it was off, and no water was circulating, if you pushed the jet button once, the tub came on low speed, push it again, and it was on high speed.  Last night the tub was off when we got in, we pushed the jet button once,,,and it was immediately on high speed, if you pushed it again, it shut down (No low speed).  Is it possible for the pump to make that noise on low speed (like it is going bad) but still run perfect on high speed?


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Re: Great Lakes Hot Tub
« Reply #20 on: June 02, 2017, 08:40:53 pm »
Oh,,,,,I forgot something.  Like I said, it seems to be making it's 12 hr recycling schedule,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,BUT, this is the first time we've timed that automatic cycle,,,,,,,,,,,,,,it stayed on high speed for almost two hours before it shut back down.  Definitely Not Good for the electric bill!  I guess that preset timing is off as well as staying on for 30 minutes when you are using it.  Not sure where the timers are or how to reprogram them????  Any ideas?


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Re: Great Lakes Hot Tub
« Reply #21 on: June 08, 2017, 05:21:38 pm »
Hi, did you forget me,,,,or abandon me?  :) :) :)

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Re: Great Lakes Hot Tub
« Reply #21 on: June 08, 2017, 05:21:38 pm »


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