Hey all-
I've been reading this forum for several weeks now and have wet tested many, many tubs. Based on the feedback I have gotten here, we recently wet tested the Sundance Optima and the Jacuzzi.
We liked both but preferred the jet pressure of the Sundance over the Jacuzzi. We really want a lounger, but were unable to wet test a Cameo. Does anyone out there have one? The Jacuzzi we tested had a lounger, the J385, and I liked the fact that I didn't seem to float as much in it as I have in other models we've tested. The Sundance dealer is offering us the Cameo for $7999 including the LED light kit, a piston lift, ozinator, steps, chemical kit and delivery and set up. From our research, we feel this is a good deal, still being the analyzer that I am, I would like feedback from others before I take the "plunge" (no pun intended).