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Author Topic: Completely baffled... what happened??  (Read 4969 times)


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Completely baffled... what happened??
« on: April 03, 2017, 10:44:05 pm »
So I have a 3 month old bullfrog x7 and use an @ease self chlorinating system. The last time I was in my tub was last week and me and my guest were au nautural and the water was clear and in balance. I just changed my chlorine cartridge last week.

I went on a work trip Friday and returned today. I went to test my water today and as soon as I lifted the cover the tub was doing a circulation cycle and the water was foaming quite a bit. I turned my jets on high and the tub filled with a ton of foam (up to the top of the tub within 30 seconds) very quickly. I tested the water and everything was pretty good although the PH and alkalinity were a little low. I used a defoamer to cut the foam down and then noticed a light yellowish green scum like line around the water line... except it looked more like a spotty moss and wiped off easily. It could have even been from the foam since I'm not sure if it was there before I allowed it to foam up a bit. The water was also very murky after the defoamer and one of the two jets that stick slightly above the water line had some oxidization on it.

I decided to drain the water and ran to the hot tub store to buy a new @ease system which would include the start up chemicals. Turns out they closed early today. So I left the tub drained (it's going to stay above 50 all night) and I'll head back to the store tomorrow and fill the tub back up.

Any ideas on what happened?? I use the tub two or three times a week, either no swimming suits or suits that I have that never get washed with soap, almost no hair products or skin products, and honestly the water has been crystal clear up until today. I live alone in the city and the only thing I can think of is maybe some kids snuck into my backyard to use it and wore clothes in... but they'd have to hop over a 6' wooden fence to which the gate is always kept locked. I'm really clueless here. Any thoughts?

Also, tomorrow I'd like to clean the shell before filling it. What should I clean it with?

Hot Tub Forum

Completely baffled... what happened??
« on: April 03, 2017, 10:44:05 pm »


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Re: Completely baffled... what happened??
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2017, 08:12:06 am »
You should use a "purge" product to clean the internal plumbing and jets.  Sounds like you have a biofilm problem.  You must clean the plumbing every 6 months or so with an effective product to eliminate foaming and discoloration in the water.  Simply draining and refilling doesn't cut it.  Clean your filter(s) as well.  The best maintained hot tub can still have Biofilm issues since chlorine and bromine do not eliminate it. 


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Re: Completely baffled... what happened??
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2017, 11:07:27 am »
I think you might be right thanks. So I guess I'll fill the tub back up and use a flush chemical to get rid of the biofilm and drain again.  Then clean the hot tub with a hot tub cleaner before filling it back up.

Should I get a filter cleaner or just bight the bullet and get new filters?


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Re: Completely baffled... what happened??
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2017, 11:34:05 am »
Should new hot tub owners generally solve for this by filling the tub completely and adding the cleaning chemical to the tub then draining before the first use as a general practice?


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Re: Completely baffled... what happened??
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2017, 01:38:24 pm »
It happens to everyone in the beginning I’m beginning to think.

I think your sanitizer just got low while you were gone and the tub took off on you. We just drain it and flush it out with the hose by directing the flow into the jets get it all dumped and then take your shop vac and put it on blow and blow in the jets and water will come out the others. Suck all that out and clean the tub with a microfiber towel and vinegar.

Fill it up and hit it extra hard with sanitizer to get going. What I have found now that I stopped using the frog system for most of the time is how much chlorine or how little we put in the tub per specs. My tub is 500 Gallons and when I use Clorox I add about the amount my mom used in a bucket of water for cleaning. Adding some extra when you go away isn’t a bad idea and if you used it heavy right before leaving I think it is a real good idea. Anytime I know the tub won’t be used for a couple days I give it a good chlorine shock. Then if you are using your @ease when you are gone if it doesn’t quite keep up you won’t have a problem. What I find is if you don’t use the tub it takes very little to maintain it. But if there is usage then your maintaining dose won’t cut it.

I personally don’t think you have bio film in a 3 month old tub. I’m far from an expert though.   


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Re: Completely baffled... what happened??
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2017, 03:59:46 pm »
So my dealer also said he highly doubted biofilm. He told me to refill it and turn the jets on and if it foams up then it could be, but if it doesn't then I'm probabaly fine.

I just finished filling the tub and turned the jets on and there's no foaming at all. Should I let it heat up and then purge it just in case or should I just go ahead and add my start up chemicals and go from there?


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Re: Completely baffled... what happened??
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2017, 05:22:56 pm »
For whatever it's worth I think you probably didn't need to drain the tub.  Three months old and that water was barely used.

It sounds like your chlorine got low.  Pretty simple.  I've had this happen twice now due to work travel (first time spa owner since October).  Super shock, clean the filters and in three days or so your water will look, feel and smell as good as new.  It's hard to wait that long but I can assure you it will come back.

Save your chemical dollars next time!


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Re: Completely baffled... what happened??
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2017, 05:52:56 pm »
Amazing.  Please please read up about biofilm in hot tubs and jetted bathtubs.  ALL hot tubs have Biofilm.  Simply purge your hot tub a few times a year and maintain proper maintenance protocols and your tub chemistry and maintenance issues will be minimal.  I Am getting tired of people telling hot tub owners that increasing chlorine or bromine solves the issue.  This is absolutely not true when Biofilm is involved. See what the experts say.  Go to the Center for Biofilm Engineering at Montana State University. These are the people that work directly with the EPA and NSF.  The Center for Biofilm Engineering is the gold standard for Biofilm studies.  Many dealers understand these issues but many do not.  Purge twice a year no matter what.  Do this and your water issues will be minor.  Of course you need to maintain proper chemistry. 
« Last Edit: April 04, 2017, 10:02:24 pm by someguy »


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Re: Completely baffled... what happened??
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2017, 06:02:19 pm »
I'm not saying biofilm doesn't exist. However, if it was biofilm wouldn't internals be showing signs? Everything under the water line was very clean. The dealer also said that after refilling it the water would still foam after turning the jets on which didn't occur.

I bought new filters (was going to use them and clean the current set as a backup) and a purge. I have no issues  using them but I don't want to just throw money away.


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Re: Completely baffled... what happened??
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2017, 06:38:16 pm »
Amazing.  Please please read up about biofilm in hot tubs and jetted bathtubs.  ALL hot tubs have Biofilm.  Simply purge your hot tub a few times a year and maintain proper maintenance protocols and your tub chemistry and maintenance issues will be minimal.  I Am getting tired of people telling hot tub owners that increasing chlorine or bromine solves the issue.  This is absolutely not true when Biofilm is involved.  Go to www.biofilm.com and see what the experts say.  These are the people that work directly with the EPA and NSF.  The Center for Biofilm Engineering is the gold standard for Biofilm studies.  Many dealers understand these issues but many do not.  Purge twice a year no matter what.  Do this and your water issues will be minor.  Of course you need to maintain proper chemistry.

When I clicked the link it was trying to sell me sex lubricants lol. Think you got the link wrong


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Re: Completely baffled... what happened??
« Reply #10 on: April 04, 2017, 07:20:53 pm »

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Completely baffled... what happened??
« Reply #11 on: April 05, 2017, 05:37:54 pm »
 90% of the time when there is a biofilm issue there are signs of what looks to be flakes of dead skin floating around in the spa.  3 month old spa doubtful, though it could happen.   

  Someguy has his head so wrapped around biofilm in a spa it's not even funny.    Yes it can happen, yes it is a real thing and no you don't need to purge your spa every 3 months with those types of products.

The Wizard of Spas

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Re: Completely baffled... what happened??
« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2017, 05:51:43 pm »
Never heard about the condition of your guests.  You said you tend to not wear bathing suits and tend to not use hair products or skin products but did they?  Most foaming comes from what is on the body.  Yes- Biofilm and swim trunks can cause that.  But the odds are that it comes from lotions, hair products, deodorant, etc.  Something on the body washes off and is exasperated by the filter and/or the air injection of the jets. 

A little bit goes a long way:  It doesnt take much to go from clear to a lot of foam.  So consider that.


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Re: Completely baffled... what happened??
« Reply #13 on: April 05, 2017, 06:17:27 pm »
I think changing the water was the easiest and quickest solution here. Still kind of clueless how it happened but I'll definitely be keeping an eye on it.

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Completely baffled... what happened??
« Reply #14 on: April 05, 2017, 06:47:01 pm »
I think changing the water was the easiest and quickest solution here. Still kind of clueless how it happened but I'll definitely be keeping an eye on it.

  Changing the water was a good idea, how it happened is easy.. 

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Completely baffled... what happened??
« Reply #14 on: April 05, 2017, 06:47:01 pm »


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