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Author Topic: My First Hot Tub Purchase  (Read 9838 times)


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My First Hot Tub Purchase
« on: March 30, 2017, 12:19:51 pm »
Good Morning All,

I am looking for advice from dealers/owners in addition to my own research (including some wet testing today) to finally pull the trigger and make a purchase. It is amazing how cut-throat this business is, and I have yet to find a single dealer who will admit to a brand s/he does not sell being adequate lol.

I want at or close to top of the line (as long as I can get good value), with my biggest limitation being space. I need one of the sides to max out at 84" and the height to max out at 36" in order to fit it into a covered, fenced-in patio.

I am particularly interested in the  financing deals offered by Hot Springs and Caldera that expire tomorrow, which is why I would like to make a decision ASAP.

Here are several that I have been considering:

HotSpring* - Highlife Series - Sovereign
Caldera - Utopia Series - Tahitian
Caldera - Paradise Series - Martinique
Bullfrog -A Series - A6
Bullfrog -Stil7
Sundance - 880 Series - Marin
Artesian - Island Series - Nevis
Marquis - Signature Series - The Promise
Marquis - Vector 21 Series - 77L

I know this is a long list, but I don't mind spending the time checking out all options before making a large purchase. If I end up eliminating several and even adding some new ones based on feedback, I won't mind that at all  ;)

*I am curious about the ACE salt water system and how that would affect maintenance and if it is tangibly beneficial to skin/eyes over the typical chlorine/bromine based systems.

This forum has been a great resource and I thank you all in advance for your help!  :D

Hot Tub Forum

My First Hot Tub Purchase
« on: March 30, 2017, 12:19:51 pm »


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Re: My First Hot Tub Purchase
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2017, 04:19:11 pm »
Disclaimer, I sell Hot Spring, Caldera, and Bullfrog.

I used to sell Jacuzzi, which is the same company as Sundance. 

Your list doesn't have a stinker in it.  The one I might put at the bottom is Sundance (just a personal preference... I switched to BF from Jacuzzi because the company is increasingly becoming more difficult to deal with for service.)  I'd say quality is still up there.

Artesian and Marquis are both top quality brands from what I hear.  I have some friends that sell them, but I have no experience with them.

The Sovereign with ACE would probably be our most popular out of the ones we sell.  ACE is more about the experience of nice water, and shouldn't be factored in to saving you money, because it will probably cost more.  (P.S.  I have ACE, and I love it.)

The Bullfrog Stil is an acquired taste.  You need the right backyard for it to work.  I'd be more inclined to spring for the A6 or A6L because you have a lot more jet pak options for probably less money (same build quality.)

Caldera's Martinique is such a neat little spa.  If I wasn't in the industry, I'd probably go with that from a value standpoint.  Probably the least expensive of the three I sell.

The Tahitian is a really cool spa in the look on the outside.  Sit in those spas though.  They all fit very different. 

As long as the dealer stands behind whatever you get, you should be set.

Let me know if you have any specific questions about the spas I sell, and I'd be happy to give you my 2 cents.  But really... you just need to sit in them.  Try them out.


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Re: My First Hot Tub Purchase
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2017, 11:01:03 pm »
Good Morning All,

I am looking for advice from dealers/owners in addition to my own research (including some wet testing today) to finally pull the trigger and make a purchase. It is amazing how cut-throat this business is, and I have yet to find a single dealer who will admit to a brand s/he does not sell being adequate lol.

I want at or close to top of the line (as long as I can get good value), with my biggest limitation being space. I need one of the sides to max out at 84" and the height to max out at 36" in order to fit it into a covered, fenced-in patio.

I am particularly interested in the  financing deals offered by Hot Springs and Caldera that expire tomorrow, which is why I would like to make a decision ASAP.

Here are several that I have been considering:

HotSpring* - Highlife Series - Sovereign
Caldera - Utopia Series - Tahitian
Caldera - Paradise Series - Martinique
Bullfrog -A Series - A6
Bullfrog -Stil7
Sundance - 880 Series - Marin
Artesian - Island Series - Nevis
Marquis - Signature Series - The Promise
Marquis - Vector 21 Series - 77L

I know this is a long list, but I don't mind spending the time checking out all options before making a large purchase. If I end up eliminating several and even adding some new ones based on feedback, I won't mind that at all  ;)

*I am curious about the ACE salt water system and how that would affect maintenance and if it is tangibly beneficial to skin/eyes over the typical chlorine/bromine based systems.

This forum has been a great resource and I thank you all in advance for your help!  :D

Agree with everything D00NUT says. I'm a caldera, Marquis dealer. You are looking at a great set of tubs. Don't know much about the artesian but people on this site speak pretty fondly of them. The Stil from Bullfrog is definitely a acquired taste!  I'm. It a big fan of the looks of that one but they wouldn't make it if people didn't buy it. If the pro is ends up being one of your front runners wait until after April 1st to buy. You can thank me later for that tip!


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Re: My First Hot Tub Purchase
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2017, 01:57:54 am »
Thank you d00nut and Hottubguy!!

I forgot to mention that I am heavily leaning towards a spa with a lounge chair. Here are the results from today for you both and anyone else hunting for hot tub purchasing experiences:

1st stop - HotSpring dealer
Here I was only able to dry test the Sovereign but wet tested the Jetsetter and Vanguard NXT models. My impressions are that I really did enjoy the mild, fresh feel of the water with the Ozone/ACE system they had set up. I liked the variety of jets. They all were placed well and felt purposeful. I didn't fit well in the Sovereign lounge seat. Oddly enough the Jetsetter loung fit me much better! HotSpring is the only dealer I have spoken with so far that uses a split 20/30 amp which means 6 electrical wires are needed instead of the standard 3 or 4! They made a big deal out of this saying they are the only hot tubs that will keep circulating the water automatically once power returns after the breaker is initially tripped.

2nd stop - Marquis/Jacuzzi dealer
Unfortunately he only sold Marquis swim spas. Apparently there are no Marquis hot tub dealers within hundresd of miles of me. I was able to wet test a couple of the J-300 series and found them really nice! The water was pleasant and the seating felt more comfortable to me than the HotSpring models. The dealer thought the J-LXL seat depth would be too deep for my comfort based on our conversation, but actually every seat including the lounger fit perfectly for me. I love the look and all of the jets were well placed for me as well. Out of nowhere, this is now a front-runner for me!

3rd stop - Bullfrog/Caldera/CalSpa dealer
They didn't carry the Stil series which was fine - I was mostly just curious what it looked/felt like in person but didn't consider this a contender. They didn't have the A-6(L), so I wet tested the R series instead. I found the water to be noticeably chlorinated compared with my previous wet tests, but still mildly so. I really enjoyed the variety of JetPaks. This is most certainly not a gimmick; it is a great way to customize which jets you prefer and boy do they work well! I felt the lounge seat fit to work well for me. This is another contender! The dealer said a benefit to having the removable jets is if they leak, they leak into the hot tub vs. out of it. I don't know how much credence to put towards this.
I wet tested the Martinique and the Geneva (No Tahitian here) and they both felt lacking to me compared with all the others I had previously tested. Perhaps I was all hot tubbed out by this point, but I was feeling the chlorine pretty heavy now. The seats felt okay, and the jets did not seem to hit the right spots. Didn't interest me enough to knock off my two top contenders so far. The dealer sort of nudged me away from CalSpa and I wasn't pushing to test those anyway.

I didn't make it to my Sundance/Artesian dealer - perhaps tomorrow.
FYI the HotSpring dealer slammed their competition saying all the rest are lacking. The Jacuzzi dealer said the ACE system (HotSpring) damages hot tubs. The Bullfrog dealer said that the split amp (HotSpring) is not useful in our warm climate (San Diego) and that Jacuzzi/Sundance/etc. used to be good until they went corporate. Haha gotta love healthy competition.

Bottom line on my hot tub list:
HotSpring- Sovereign $8,949 0 down 40 months 0% finanancing - Still in the running but leaning against due to the lounge fit
Marquis - Out due to no dealer in my area
Jacuzzi - LXL - 9,450 0 down 24 months 0% financing- Contender
Bullfrog - A6L - $10,899 15% down 60 months 0% financing - Contender
Caldera - Out either due to bad fit for me, hot tub fatigue or a combination of the 2 haha
Sundance - Marin - TBD
Artesian - Nevis - TBD

Once I am closer to making a decision I might see if I can push the price(s) down a bit, but it did seem like the dealers wouldn't wiggle anymore especially with those financing deals.



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Re: My First Hot Tub Purchase
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2017, 10:06:21 am »
Sounds like all the top Watkins products now have the split breaker. Our Caldera Geneva  came with it also. If you live in cold climate I think it is a nice feature. I wired ours and ran #6 from the main panel to the GFCI breaker and then #8 to the tub. The extra wires were no problem as that leg has to go thru conduit anyway.

Testing too many tubs in one day could be a problem. It is like test driving a dozen cars in the same day.

Good luck, sounds like you are narrowing it down.   


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Re: My First Hot Tub Purchase
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2017, 10:18:50 am »
The Sovereign price is out of this world low, especially with the financing!  The A6L is pretty much in line with what I sell it for (A6L is more of a Sovereign competitor IMO.)

The Bullfrog guy is probably right, the split breaker doesn't really serve much purpose in southern Cal, but it is warrantable along with the spa (5 years.)  So that's a plus.  Plus, it comes with the spa anyway.

The 40 month deal ends today, so you might be pushed to get at least a reservation in if you are leaning towards HSS and want that financing deal.  I've gotten about 10,000 emails from Watkins on Caldera and Hot Spring titled 'NO EXCEPTIONS.'

Just letting you know!


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Re: My First Hot Tub Purchase
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2017, 02:55:41 pm »
So nice to get such great feedback!

The fact that you mentioned that the Sovereign is such a great deal made me reconsider it (because let's be honest that's what I am after haha), but the fit was just not right and I enjoyed the jets on the Jacuzzi and Bullfrog better.

Interesting that you guys didn't comment on the Jacuzzi LXL. Did you not comment on it because of bad experience or just lack of it? It is currently my front-runner based on each seat and jet lining up perfectly with my body. I love all of the leg jets in the lounger, and it has 2 sets of foot jets to be shared among the other seats. It also is the only one that I have been looking at that has 2 pumps. I think the look is top notch. Also, I am dealing with the owner of the local Jacuzzi dealer and I know he will be there to take care of me (rapport, perfect Yelp score/reviews over the years, not to mention I can almost walk there). Am I missing something here? Also, is it priced right?

Bullfrog as a product was a close second, maybe if he throws in the Ozone to sweeten the deal, I will have a tougher decision. The shop made me feel like I was dealing with a bunch of commissioned salespeople who take care of themselves on the front end and not me so much on the back end haha.

Off to my Sundance/Artesian dealer for my wet test. He was the first dealer I interfaced with and has walked me through a lot of my education and I can tell I will get good service. Let's see how his products stack up!

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Re: My First Hot Tub Purchase
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2017, 03:23:10 pm »
Ozone should not be on your radar.  #1 (by a mile) is feeling.  If the Jacuzzi feels the best, remember that you're buying a tub to relax, and make that you deciding factor.  #2 is the dealer.  The rest are details.  Details are important, but dont bury the lede.

Water chemistry is not going to change between brands- They all have the same basic principals.  I've sold numerous sanitizers and I promise you'll be fine regardless of the tub you purchase.  Ozone is like filtration systems:  They're nice and they serve a purpose but they're never anything more than an assistant to you and your water chemistry.


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Re: My First Hot Tub Purchase
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2017, 03:31:29 pm »
So nice to get such great feedback!

The fact that you mentioned that the Sovereign is such a great deal made me reconsider it (because let's be honest that's what I am after haha), but the fit was just not right and I enjoyed the jets on the Jacuzzi and Bullfrog better.

Interesting that you guys didn't comment on the Jacuzzi LXL. Did you not comment on it because of bad experience or just lack of it? It is currently my front-runner based on each seat and jet lining up perfectly with my body. I love all of the leg jets in the lounger, and it has 2 sets of foot jets to be shared among the other seats. It also is the only one that I have been looking at that has 2 pumps. I think the look is top notch. Also, I am dealing with the owner of the local Jacuzzi dealer and I know he will be there to take care of me (rapport, perfect Yelp score/reviews over the years, not to mention I can almost walk there). Am I missing something here? Also, is it priced right?

Bullfrog as a product was a close second, maybe if he throws in the Ozone to sweeten the deal, I will have a tougher decision. The shop made me feel like I was dealing with a bunch of commissioned salespeople who take care of themselves on the front end and not me so much on the back end haha.

Off to my Sundance/Artesian dealer for my wet test. He was the first dealer I interfaced with and has walked me through a lot of my education and I can tell I will get good service. Let's see how his products stack up!

All the Jacuzzi dealers near me dropped Jacuzzi for Bullfrog a couple of years ago. So price wise I have no idea. I don't think I've ever seen that particular tub before. You did mention great reviews about the dealer. Dealer and tub go hand and hand as to which one to buy. If the jacuzzi dealer is the best dealer then I would probably lean that way. I would try that Geneva again because I've never heard of power being a issue on it. Like I said before you don't really have a bad tub on your list so I would go with 1) tub feel 2) dealer 3) price. I would forget about all the other stuff like ozone and such.


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Re: My First Hot Tub Purchase
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2017, 01:51:21 pm »

I'm in same boat like you. Looking for my First Hot Tub with same specifications.
Did you buy anyone?



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Re: My First Hot Tub Purchase
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2017, 03:05:44 pm »
All the Jacuzzi dealers near me dropped Jacuzzi for Bullfrog a couple of years ago. So price wise I have no idea. I don't think I've ever seen that particular tub before. You did mention great reviews about the dealer. Dealer and tub go hand and hand as to which one to buy. If the jacuzzi dealer is the best dealer then I would probably lean that way. I would try that Geneva again because I've never heard of power being a issue on it. Like I said before you don't really have a bad tub on your list so I would go with 1) tub feel 2) dealer 3) price. I would forget about all the other stuff like ozone and such.

Dropping Jacuzzi for BF means nothing. But I do agree forget about all the other fluff like ozone, ace, jet pacs, double breaker, and go with what feels best to you first. Dealer second, then price.

Agreed, Sundance is never lacking on power. But you haven't tested it yet.


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Re: My First Hot Tub Purchase
« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2017, 03:37:07 pm »
All the Jacuzzi dealers near me dropped Jacuzzi for Bullfrog a couple of years ago. So price wise I have no idea. I don't think I've ever seen that particular tub before. You did mention great reviews about the dealer. Dealer and tub go hand and hand as to which one to buy. If the jacuzzi dealer is the best dealer then I would probably lean that way. I would try that Geneva again because I've never heard of power being a issue on it. Like I said before you don't really have a bad tub on your list so I would go with 1) tub feel 2) dealer 3) price. I would forget about all the other stuff like ozone and such.

Dropping Jacuzzi for BF means nothing. But I do agree forget about all the other fluff like ozone, ace, jet pacs, double breaker, and go with what feels best to you first. Dealer second, then price.

Agreed, Sundance is never lacking on power. But you haven't tested it yet.

I didn't mean anything by that statement other then I have no Jacuzzi Competition so I have no idea on pricing of it.


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Re: My First Hot Tub Purchase
« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2017, 04:37:43 pm »
Bullfrog, Hot Spring (Highlife collection only) and Marquis make some of the best tubs in the industry...of those brands see what spa fit you best and also which jets feel the best (always wet test in my opinion) confirm the dealer is quality by looking at local reviews, word of mouth, etc. and find something within your budget...good luck!


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Re: My First Hot Tub Purchase
« Reply #13 on: April 03, 2017, 07:21:24 pm »
All the Jacuzzi dealers near me dropped Jacuzzi for Bullfrog a couple of years ago. So price wise I have no idea. I don't think I've ever seen that particular tub before. You did mention great reviews about the dealer. Dealer and tub go hand and hand as to which one to buy. If the jacuzzi dealer is the best dealer then I would probably lean that way. I would try that Geneva again because I've never heard of power being a issue on it. Like I said before you don't really have a bad tub on your list so I would go with 1) tub feel 2) dealer 3) price. I would forget about all the other stuff like ozone and such.

Dropping Jacuzzi for BF means nothing. But I do agree forget about all the other fluff like ozone, ace, jet pacs, double breaker, and go with what feels best to you first. Dealer second, then price.

Agreed, Sundance is never lacking on power. But you haven't tested it yet.

I didn't mean anything by that statement other then I have no Jacuzzi Competition so I have no idea on pricing of it.

I know but the OP may not have understood the statement.


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Re: My First Hot Tub Purchase
« Reply #14 on: April 03, 2017, 07:59:15 pm »
All the Jacuzzi dealers near me dropped Jacuzzi for Bullfrog a couple of years ago. So price wise I have no idea. I don't think I've ever seen that particular tub before. You did mention great reviews about the dealer. Dealer and tub go hand and hand as to which one to buy. If the jacuzzi dealer is the best dealer then I would probably lean that way. I would try that Geneva again because I've never heard of power being a issue on it. Like I said before you don't really have a bad tub on your list so I would go with 1) tub feel 2) dealer 3) price. I would forget about all the other stuff like ozone and such.

Dropping Jacuzzi for BF means nothing. But I do agree forget about all the other fluff like ozone, ace, jet pacs, double breaker, and go with what feels best to you first. Dealer second, then price.

Agreed, Sundance is never lacking on power. But you haven't tested it yet.

tell that to the investment group that owns Jacuzzi, I don't think they would agree with you lol

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Re: My First Hot Tub Purchase
« Reply #14 on: April 03, 2017, 07:59:15 pm »


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