That's a lot read....Too address a few of them. If you turn the big jets too far they will pop out. manual Using a adhesive doesn't seem like a very smart fix. Not sure why they just wouldn't replace them at the factory. Pretty dumb on there part. The manual being in the cabinet is pretty standard. That's where almost all manufacturers put them. That has nothing to do with Caldera but more your dealer for not explaining how the panel comes off. If your dealer took 5 minutes to show you then that wouldn't have been a problem. If your dealer explained to you how the frog system worked then you wouldn't have issues with that either. It's not a set it and forget it system though it does cut down on having to add as many chemicals manually. The frame has changed on all June and beyond 2016 Utopia models. It's a sturdier frame on the new style. There isn't screws on the new Utopia panels so that has also been addressed. Control box and ozone jet I've never heard complaints on them before. The control box is the same if not better then on any other hot tub out there. I actually think the topside is very easy to navigate. Did your dealer ever come out and go over operation of the tub. Seems he does things much differently then my dealership. We deliver Tub. Take all information, like manual out of tub so the electrician has it. Then after electrician is done we go out and go over operation and give like a spa 101 class for the customer. Very in depth review there and glad it has been operating fairly trouble free for the first few years of ownership.
I intended to do my own install and felt comfortable doing it. There was about a week wait for the tub to be shipped (not in stock) so the dealer gave me the GFCI breaker panel and I added a 50amp breaker ran all the wires and was ready to go when the tub arrived. To my surprise my tub was not delivered by the place I bought it from but by one of their competition. Seems this company subs out the delivery and installation if required and also service in the future to this other business. I was kind of surprised as it was the only place we didn’t shop at as it was a fair distance away.
Getting the panel off shouldn’t have been a problem other than it was painted in place like glue.
I agree having a broken jet glued on with RTV straight from the factory did not shed a good light on perception of quality and I think the reason they didn’t put a new one on was the damage wasn’t to the part that comes off but to the connection in the tub. I was also told that they were an item that frequently came loose so the fix was “belt and suspenders†with using the lock and also the RTV. Whatever the cause I more wanted to explain the problem and the perception it formed about the product. I wasn’t asking for a new tub or my money back. I wasn’t dismayed at all until my review was censored. The correct action is to tell me we are not going to post your review instead we are going to put you in touch with Mr. SoandSo he is our head of quality and he will work with you to both solve your issues and make improvements to our process and product.
I didn’t expect to see a Hoffman enclosure inside the tub holding the electronics but I did expect something more substantial than a vacuum formed piece of 1/32 thick plastic box for terminating a ¾ conduit.
I understand some kid being paid minimum wage is reading these things and sending out the Tee shirts. But there is no more important thing in business than listening to your customers.
I haven’t looked real close at the new improvements. I will have to do that.
I do know if I was running one of these companies I would be closely watching the web forums to gain insight.
Thanks for replying and sharing your thoughts.