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Author Topic: Looking to purchase a tub - Sunrise vs. Canadian Spa CO. vs. arctic vs. jacuzzi  (Read 7043 times)


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Hi All!!

Im new to the HOT TUB industry, im looking to redo my backyard, and looking to add a hot tub.
looking for 7'x7'tub. 

I just started to do my homework, and would appreciate honest advice.

Sunrise Aquarian spa -(abour $6k) Jacuzzi (11k)  Canadian spa CO. (toronto 6K, thunder bay 8k), master spa (9.5k).  My main dilemma is why is there such a price difference.  Im personally leaning towards the sunrise.

could someone help with some good advice.

thanks in advance!!! :)

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The Wizard of Spas

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Quality- That is the reason for the price difference.  Jacuzzi and Master Spas tend to run on one end the spectrum whereas Canadian and Sunrise is on the opposite end.  Many will discuss the pecking order so I'll leave it to them to advance that topic of conversation.

If those 4 brands are in your area, wet test the units that interest you.  Once you've narrowed down the units that fit your body type and feels best, then research the dealer and see how reputable they are.  If there are more brands that are near you, sprinkle them into your wet test and dealer research plan.

Thats the briefest I can be.  There is more to it too it but if you search this forum there are countless threads that dig deep into all the aspects of hot tub purchasing.

Good luck moving forward.


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Hi All!!

Im new to the HOT TUB industry, im looking to redo my backyard, and looking to add a hot tub.
looking for 7'x7'tub. 

I just started to do my homework, and would appreciate honest advice.

Sunrise Aquarian spa -(abour $6k) Jacuzzi (11k)  Canadian spa CO. (toronto 6K, thunder bay 8k), master spa (9.5k).  My main dilemma is why is there such a price difference.  Im personally leaning towards the sunrise.

could someone help with some good advice.

thanks in advance!!! :)

Have you tried any or at least sat in them dry. Jacuzzi makes
Any different series of Spas. The 200 series should be under 7k. The price discrepancy comes down to quality. With hot tubs you pay for what you get. Sunrise and Canadian spa co are the same company also I believe?  Not sure on that but I think so. Check reviews on the different spas you are considering and wet test to figure out which one fits you the best


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Thanks for the input.  I have tried the sunrise and jacuzzi 200 series. Dry test.
It still does not justify the 5k increase in price.  Maybe I'm missing something!!!
I'm a rookie to the hot tubs. So at this time all hot tubs will feel great.  Am I missing something???
Thanks again for the input and your time.


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Jacuzzi 200 series is 11k? 


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Dry test is not in any way the same as a wet test. Dry doesn't give you any idea at all of the feel of a hot tub. Seats which would seem like they should be comfortable feel ENTIRELY different with water buoyancy and jet pressure.

When I was a rookie wet testing, there were tubs I found that I didn't care for the feel of - including one I had pretty much decided on before actually testing. Sometimes the seating wasn't comfortable for me. Other times the jets just didn't feel right.

Wet test and dealer are the most important aspects of buying a hot tub. Things go wrong, and some minor problem can entirely ruin a family's experience with spas in general if they end up with a dealer who doesn't back up their product.

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