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Author Topic: Lay Z spa Miami Chemical Floater question  (Read 2058 times)


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Lay Z spa Miami Chemical Floater question
« on: March 18, 2017, 05:32:13 am »
Hi all

Not sure if this is the right forum for my question but I can't find my answer anywhere else. First time hot tub owner so confused!

I have recently put up my Miami for the first time and shocked the system with the recommended dose of chlorine. It is currently stabilising and not yet at 5ppm (it's about 48 hours later). Should I be using the chemical floater with the clearwater tablets whilst it's stabilising or should I wait until the chlorine reaches 5ppm and then use it?


Hot Tub Forum

Lay Z spa Miami Chemical Floater question
« on: March 18, 2017, 05:32:13 am »


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Re: Lay Z spa Miami Chemical Floater question
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2017, 01:25:49 pm »
Is this one of the inflatable hot tubs?  I had one before I got my Marquis and used it for 2 seasons by my pool.  I was shocked at how well these things work for the money and it is what made me decide to get a full blown hot tub that I could use year round (I live in a colder climate where the lay z boy does not work in cooler seasons).

So are you using bromine as your sanitizer?  Did you add a sodium bromide before shocking?  And what type of chlorine did you use as the shock?  If bromine, it sounds like you either didn't get enough sodium bromide in the water before shocking or didn't put any in there.  I think you need to build up a bank of bromide in order for the shock to activate it.  If you didn't, after 48 hours, the shock you added will most likely break down and will continue to fall to zero.  If you did add bromide, then when you shocked it the readings should have gone up pretty quickly.  What are your readings now? 

I tried bromine but ended up going back to chlorine as it was easier to manage for me.  Some dichlor powder every day keeps my water sanitized and at lower chemical levels for when I use it. 

You also need to make sure you have you PH and Alkalinity in line  or your sanitizer won't be as effective.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Lay Z spa Miami Chemical Floater question
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2017, 01:25:49 pm »


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