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Author Topic: Wife says Bromine is bad for us. Alternatives for an old 70's setup?  (Read 2076 times)


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We have an old 70's Octagon tub that we use one or two times a week, and have for 18 years.  We love it.

My lovely wife reports to me that our warmed open cells are absorbing bromine and chlorine, which contributes to all sorts of health problems.  Regardless of the argument (those who've been married several decades understand this) for or against, I'm starting to research alternatives, for example, ozone.

While the new tubs have ozone-capable plumbing, ours is the old PVC to remote pump (1.5 hp) remote gas heater (400k BTU) and we only run it 15-20 minutes before getting in.  We like this setup and want to keep it.

Ideas for alternatives to keep the water lovely and free of chlorine and bromine?



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Use the dichlor and bleach method (dichlor is chlorine) put it in after your done soaking. If you time it right you will be soaking in almost zero chlorine and then adding after your done to kill the nastys. Nothing else works real good unless you want to soak in yucky water. A low level of chlorine is not as bad for you as the bacteria that will grow in your water.

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