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Author Topic: Caldera Vanto Vs Marqui Vegas and Hot Spring Flair  (Read 7313 times)


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Re: Caldera Vanto Vs Marqui Vegas and now Hot Springs Flair!
« Reply #15 on: March 12, 2017, 10:26:43 pm »
Thanks again!  I actually found a place to wet test the Vanto, and I was  not happy with it.  I also tried  hot springs flair and loved it!   I'm pretty sure I negotiated a decent price but thought I'd check here first.   Price was $8449 with ozonator, a bunch of chemicals, cover lift, removal of old tub and delivery.

Thanks again.

Just curious what you did not like about the Vanto?  I had been a Marquis dealer for the last 3 years and beginning next week I will be a Caldera dealer, so I'm just curious. 

Also, if you are stepping up into the mid $8k price range, as hottubguy stated, you should look at the e-Series and Vector21 series from Marquis and probably also the Paradise series from Caldera.  You have already found out that wet testing is important.  Take your time and find the right spa for you.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Caldera Vanto Vs Marqui Vegas and now Hot Springs Flair!
« Reply #15 on: March 12, 2017, 10:26:43 pm »


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Re: Caldera Vanto Vs Marqui Vegas and Hot Spring Flair
« Reply #16 on: March 13, 2017, 11:32:24 am »
In Response to Hottubguy and Castletonia

Unfortunately the Marquis Vector series does not work for me as I need a tub that measures exactly 7x7.  I went ahead and got a quote for the E545 and while the quote was a little less it did not come with all the extras which I would have needed.  Adding those extras would have made it quite a bit more expensive than the Flair.  The Flair quote was already a bit more than I initially wanted to spend so I am hesitant spend even more, not saying the e545 is not a great tub, I just don't want to extend my budget any more.

Regarding the Vanto I should clarify as I actually tested the Hot Spot Rhythm which I am told was essentially the same thing.  My words may have been a bit harsh as I was happy with it before I tried the Flair, I just liked the way the jets felt on the Flair compared to the Rhythm.  Also secondary reasons were while I could control the flow of individual seats on the Rhythm there was a much wider range of control on the Flair, I could essentially entirely stop the flow on a seat which I could not do on the Rhythm.  The fact that the Flair also has a circ pump, and a much longer warranty also helped.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Caldera Vanto Vs Marqui Vegas and Hot Spring Flair
« Reply #16 on: March 13, 2017, 11:32:24 am »


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