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Author Topic: 4kw heater enough in cold climate?  (Read 4984 times)


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4kw heater enough in cold climate?
« on: March 07, 2017, 02:14:23 am »
We will be moving to the Salt Lake city area soon and was set to order a Bullfrog X7 tub since they are manufactured right there.  I just saw a recent review of the tub on their website that in short said...

"We recently purchased an X7 tub. We live in Wisconsin and enjoy using the tub in the winter. When the temperature is below 30 degrees the tub will loose several degrees an hour even in the standard mode and the heater light indicating that it is heating. We contacted the service department where they bought it and they stated that the tub comes with a 4K heater that may not be able to keep up. We could run the tub without the jets to help with the heating. They stated there isn't an option to upgrade the heater to the 5.5K model. If you like using your tub in cold weather, I'd suggest a different model."

I like using hot tubs down to 15-20 degree outside temps.  The problem is it appears most of the other top brand spas all use a 4kw heater elements also.  There will be no problem with wind, but the air temp does get cold. Though the factory says there is no way to upgrade, are there aftermarket heater elements that will work? I am open to other tubs in the same size without a lounge if the heater will be an issue.

Thank you for any suggestions!

Hot Tub Forum

4kw heater enough in cold climate?
« on: March 07, 2017, 02:14:23 am »


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Re: 4kw heater enough in cold climate?
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2017, 09:53:27 am »
Our Caldera Geneva has a 4K heater and we live up on the great lakes and get temps as low as -30 f every winter. We have been in our tub down around zero quite a few times. First all tubs are going to lose heat faster than it can be replaced in those kinds of temps. But how long are you planning to be in it on a night like that anyway. I would say if we opened our tub at 30f outside something we do a lot and it was set to 103 we could be in it 45 minutes to an hour before it hit 102. That’s plenty long enough to get a good relaxing soak in.

The key is anticipation if I know we have a really cold night coming I will open it when I get home from work check the levels and turn it up to 103 / 104 depending on how cold it will be. Have dinner do a few things and open it up and jump in for 30 minutes before bed. Normally I will then treat it and lower the temp back down to 101 / 102.

I see no reason to have a heater so large you can maintain temp with the top off. You might need a 50 amp heater circuit to do that and it would be a waste of money.   


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Re: 4kw heater enough in cold climate?
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2017, 04:38:22 pm »
Not an issue, especially in Salt Lake City...I sell Bullfrog is Minnesota which makes Salt Lake City seem like a tropical climate and we don't have any issues.


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Re: 4kw heater enough in cold climate?
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2017, 12:27:38 am »
Thank you both for your insight.  It's much appreciated!


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Re: 4kw heater enough in cold climate?
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2017, 10:47:38 am »
If moving to Salt Lake City,Utah I would suggest visiting Arctic Spas Utah as Arctic not only have a 5.5 kw heater but the way Arctic is built their wasted energy off the pumps actually get utilized to maintain the heat in spa w/o heater even coming on.Very well designed spa as well as being very energy efficient.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: 4kw heater enough in cold climate?
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2017, 10:47:38 am »


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