Anyone thinking of buying a spa here is some
Accurate running coast and power usage information that I have gathered from my spa (European model) that may be useful.
Model: 330gal Coast Vantage Curve - full foam insulation with a 4" coast guard energy saver cover.
240Vac 50Hz supply.
Cable used - 6mm
2 SWA on a dedicated 40Amp RCBO circuit plus a master isolator switch >2m from the tub.
Balboa system fitted with a 3kW heater (incorporating two flow/ temperature sensors A&B).
Fitted with two 7HP twin speed pumps.
Filtration (pump 1 low speed no heating) - 1.7Amp
Pump1 (low speed plus heating) - 14.5Amp
Pump 1&2 (low speed plus heating) - 16.5A
Pump 1&2 (high speed plus heater) - 29.5Amps
For approximate wattage just multiply Amps by 240.
I fitted a kWh meter to the circuit to get an accurate running cost
11April -11May average of 4 usages of 40 min per week.
Set temperature of 38 deg (ready mode)
5hr Filter cycle per day
Energy usage - 390kWh per month
UK energy pricing of 14.38P per kWh =£56 per month or 1.80 per day.
IMHO Coast spa's are a really good make and running coast don't get much better than this.
If you feel this is expensive then I would not get a hot tub

Hope this is useful info for anyone wanting a Spa and are not sure what the running costs are.