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IÂ However I would watch children closely in a hot tub. Â Playing with their heads under water is probably not a good idea if they have long hair.Here is a link to the article...not a lot of details.http://www.nbc4.tv/news/3610925/detail.html
It would appear to me that Dynasty corrected this "condition" with its 2004 model. I'll give them credit for being a responsible company for doing so. It's a condition I am aware of and will live with it and not seek any action against them or demand any repairs. If they do some kind of recall or retrofit I'll allow it as long as it doesn't inconvenience me in anyway.
I am curious to the many of you here who have two or more pumps, how many intakes do you have?
So - do call the tub maker, and you might be surprised to find out that they have a vacuum-breaking valve somewhere in the system, or that they have a spring check-valve to bias the suction to the filter or some such thing that isn't apparent upon initial inspection. And let us know what they say.