Aristech and Lucite are the two major manufacturers of acrylic shells. I carry brands that deal in both and I have never seen a stain.
Yes- You can get scum lines but that is just build-up.
And I guess after further review that I do need to amend my previous answer: Aristech carried a color called Tourmaline Blue that would scratch very easily, but I believe its been discontinued. They have Mayan Copper now and its a looker but I got one spa in and it was very similar to the Tourmaline Blue in that it would scratch easier so I never brought another one in.
Currently, I have not noticed any issues with Lucite colors.
If you really, really dived down into the nittygritty- Yes: Textured would probably be the most industrious. But in a showroom when you have people jumping in and out of spas, not in bathing suits, and with shoes on, it takes a long time to really see something that might just possibly be something that maybe someone would have an issue with.
Your personal spa wont develop that sort of wear and tear.
EDIT: Spelling