Greetings Gurus!
I discovered this site while researching (somewhat in vain) information on Phoenix Spas.
I was recently given a working 7'x7' Phoenix Spa in remarkably good condition. I have not been able to decypher the model, serial, etc. to learn the date of mfr. so I have no idea its actual age. I will say, the previous owner(s) collectively took exceptional care of it.
That said, I need to replace the grab handles which are installed inside the tub. One of them is completely gone and the other is broken but still attached on one end. Not knowing this site's pic posting policies for newly registered members, I have attached a link to the pic should it not display below.
I have not been able to locate any type of handle that matches this style/version but, then again, I may not be calling it by its true name.
Did any other spa mfrs. use this type of handle/installation method that may have something I can use to replace the originals? If not, I would be grateful for your suggestions to replace the handles in some way.
Searches I have done for anything related to this brand tub has consistently listed links to this site. I must day, there is more info about Phoenix Spas available here than anywhere else. The knowledge I have gained here has answered just about any questions I could ever have about the company et al. Thank you for that!
It became clear to me early on that the majority of members of this site could possibly be classified as "historians' on the subject of hot tubs in general. I'm not suggesting any of them are old enough to have been there the first time someone farted in a pond thus birthing the concept of hot tubs, I'm just saying there's a lot of info available here one might not find anywhere else.

Lots of interesting and useful knowledge shared. And the thread about The Spa Specialist.... Wow!

Thank you for any info, suggestions, tips you might have for me.
My name is Steve and I live in the Phoenix suburb of Chandler, AZ.