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Author Topic: Royal Spa???  (Read 5754 times)


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Royal Spa???
« on: August 02, 2004, 11:25:03 pm »
Does anyone out there have a Royal Spa or lnow anything about their quality?
Connie 8)

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Royal Spa???
« on: August 02, 2004, 11:25:03 pm »


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Re: Royal Spa???
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2004, 11:28:26 pm »
 :o It's KNOW about their quality!!  I'm falling asleep at my keyboard!  I had a Hot Springs/Dyansty/Royal Spa  dealer tell me how nice these are.  They are made in Indianapolis, Indiana


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Re: Royal Spa???
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2004, 01:43:04 pm »
Sure the dealer is going to say so, he's making a big margin on them. I'll repost what I wrote on another bulliten board a couple of days ago.....

All spas are going to incorperate air into their jets to give them a more vigorous feel. The components that just blow air at you are not jets they are air injectors. This is one problem I have with Royal, they artificialy inflate their jet numbers by counting the air injectors and listing them with the total number of jets. They also claim that electronics are a bad idea for spas. Well, I imagine that they are also a bad idea for washers, driers, refridgerators, stoves, ranges, autos and houses, but the fact is, they make things run more efficiently. With things like self diagnostic programing you will have fewer service calls in event of a failure. Tell 'ol Bob to come on in to the 21st century. Beyond that they contradict themselvs on that electronics aspect by puting a digital read out on their top side controler. OK, next, they claim a 6 year warranty. I'd suggest you get a hold of a copy of that warranty and READ. It comes out to about 1 year at best. They use zero insulation on their plumbing. It's a good thing they dont use any glue and only hose clamps (another lie by the way) because that thing is going to need to be easily accessable. They are a cheaply made tub being sold at premium prices, because they are usually surrounded by high end spa retailers. If you want any more specifics, just let me know.
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Re: Royal Spa???
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2004, 01:37:17 am »
Just for curiosity I went and looked at a Royal Sultan.  The diverter valve (I believe there is only 1) is an outer ring on one of the jets.  If I remember correctly, it was in the middle seat on the wall to the left of the control panel.  The easiest way to adjust it was to turn off the pump, adjust the diverter than turn the pump back on.  If you had the strength, one could adjust it while the pump was running.  Talk about dumb/stupid/illogical or whatever you wanted to call it.  Not very user friendly (IMO).



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Re: Royal Spa???
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2004, 07:57:46 am »
:o It's KNOW about their quality!!  I'm falling asleep at my keyboard!  I had a Hot Springs/Dyansty/Royal Spa  dealer tell me how nice these are.  They are made in Indianapolis, Indiana

Since you mentioned the Dynasty Dealer, as the Boards most famous/infamous Dynasty owner, I'll say it is a good tub! I live just 150 miles east of Indianapolis and never heard of Royal.
Member since 2003.  Owner Dynasty Excalibur 2003-2012.   Sundance Majesta from 2012-current


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Re: Royal Spa???
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2004, 12:41:05 am »
There are a lot of dealers in Indiana.  I live in Celina Ohio and our local dealer that sells Dyansty/Hot Springs is the one who carries these. This dealer also has a store in Lima Ohio and at that store they favor the Dyansty.  Just like some people like certain tubs over another after wet testing, I guess individual store managers favor some tubs over another to some degree.  I was unable to wet test one as the one they had filled sold before I could get back in to check it and they will not have another shipment in until next week.
The prices on the Royal spas was much more expensive than I would have expected.  That is why I wondered if anyone had one to be able to discuss their value/special features.  I like some of the Hot Springs, but I need a bottom on the tub.  I live in the country and do not want the mice to get thur the deck boards and chew the foam!!  I'm considering the Dyansty.  The tub that fits close to the price limit my husband gave me is too large for the area he wants to put the tub into.  I need to either get him to put the tub off the deck or increase the amount I can spend.  The nice thing is that the Royal would fit nicely in the spot on the deck, but I think it's priced too high compared to the value/price of the Sundance, Sweetwater or Jacuzzi.

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Re: Royal Spa???
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2004, 12:41:05 am »


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