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Author Topic: hot spot mallorca temp issue  (Read 3608 times)


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hot spot mallorca temp issue
« on: January 09, 2017, 06:08:26 pm »
Hey guys I have a 2004 hot spot Mallorca that I just started using last month. Anyhow I am having an issue were it does not always seem to keep the temp up when it is around 20-30 degrees outside. This is in a covered partially enclosed porch. This is not always consistent though it was 10-20 deg outside all day and right now I just got home and it is running and at 101 degs. I have it set for 100 by the way. The other thing I do notice it sometimes the display under the temperature will flash 3 red dots usually I see this when shutting of the tub after a soak.
Next question I have also assuming it is heat related is I just got the electric bill and it went up by $100 since I installed the tub last month. I have been using the tub twice a week and the temps averaged in the 40's during that time frame. Any thoughts?

Hot Tub Forum

hot spot mallorca temp issue
« on: January 09, 2017, 06:08:26 pm »


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