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Author Topic: Master Spa Michael Phelps Legendary LSX900 Experience  (Read 4106 times)


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Master Spa Michael Phelps Legendary LSX900 Experience
« on: January 04, 2017, 04:56:28 am »
Well I hope things change is regards to our Michael Phelps Master Spa Legendary tub LSX 900.
In Jan. 2016 my wife & I purchased a Master Spa tub from Atlas Buildings, Pools and Spas (Tyler, TX). The tub was delivered in March where initially we had issues getting a vapor lock out of plumbing system to get all pumps to run. We have had issues with pumps and sensors on several occasions (nearly a dozen) and the front panel replaced several times as it would fog up with moisture. The primary problem was to keep pumps running to maintain 102° F water temp. We have heard more times than we care to recall that our filters are dirty, yet we power wash with special hose attachment specifically for cleaning filters two times per week the same time at which we check water chemistry. During a replacement of control panel service tech gouged the fiberglass of the tub. In late October 2016 Atlas and Master Spa committed to replacing our tub with a brand new unit stating we would not have issues with a new tub. I stated that if they replaced the tub and it did not run 30 days with out any issues that they could come and pick it up. The new tub was delivered in mid December 2016. Well on New Years Eve when my family was headed out to use the Hot Tub the water temp was 89° F. with fault code indicating that the circulation pump had stopped working and the heater was dry. I examined filters and they were clean. I reset circuit breaker and the pumps began circulating and heater engaged. Nothing being done to the filters and Atlas Salesman comes to our home and states filters are clean. Yet he stated it is not uncommon for heaters to stop with this sort of error. Well my question is what is the purpose of having water temp set at 102° F if it is not going to maintain that temp. In our 30 years of marriage my wife and I have had a Hot Spring Hot Tub as well as a Cal Spa Hot Tube. In 7 years of ownership of Hot Spring Spa no service was ever performed other than filter replacements. The Cal Spa had well water and even with maintaining water chemistry balance we had two circulation pumps that were replaced in 10 years of ownership. I have been told by the Sales and Support team at Atlas that Master Spa is the best tub on the market, I seriously question that upon my experience. I write this as I am not getting results upon gentlemen agreements and am willing to update status upon our total satisfaction.

Hot Tub Forum

Master Spa Michael Phelps Legendary LSX900 Experience
« on: January 04, 2017, 04:56:28 am »


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Re: Master Spa Michael Phelps Legendary LSX900 Experience
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2017, 07:24:34 am »
A bummer of an experience.  Are you going to request they come and pick the new tub up for a full refund?  I'm not sure I'd continue the fight if you have an offer for a refund.  That's quite an offer from a manufacturer after having it replaced once already.  Still a bummer, however.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Master Spa Michael Phelps Legendary LSX900 Experience
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2017, 07:24:34 am »


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