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Looking at purchasing an Arctic Spa
« on: December 29, 2016, 03:16:43 pm »
Hi Guys

Been looking at hot tubs for a while now and think we are finally ready to pull the trigger on an Arctic Spa Summit. We have done a great deal of research and feel that the Arctic Spa is a much better-built tub and can handle our climates compared to the Jacuzzi, Beachcomber and Hydro Pool dealers in our area.

We are looking at their 3 pump 61 jet model, with the spa boy salt system and light package.

Looking to hear from other people who have this hot tub and how they like it and how it's been for them.


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Looking at purchasing an Arctic Spa
« on: December 29, 2016, 03:16:43 pm »


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Re: Looking at purchasing an Arctic Spa
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2016, 07:05:36 pm »
I'm not a owner or a dealer of any of those tubs. I don't think any are built better then the other and all can withstand the environment in Canada. I would go by what tub fits you the best and what dealer is the most reputable.


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Re: Looking at purchasing an Arctic Spa
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2016, 06:07:20 am »
Don't know much about Hydro Pool but Jacuzzi, Beach and Arctic are all great choices and will all be about the same in quality, longevity and efficiency. And I agree which ever is the most comfortable.


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Re: Looking at purchasing an Arctic Spa
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2016, 10:38:22 am »
The real cedar siding on the Arctic spa really looks beautiful when new.

The Wizard of Spas

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Re: Looking at purchasing an Arctic Spa
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2016, 11:54:33 am »
I have never seen the inner-workings of an Arctic Hot Tub so I am curious as to the explanation as to why they are better for colder climates than other manufacturers.   

That is in no way a shot at them.  Frankly they never caught on in my area so I don't have any first-hand experience.  Many brands have to create differentiation.  Arctic has found their niche and good on them.  I am just curious as to the reasoning/data. 

Any dealers out there that can extrapolate honest info devoid of a sales pitch?


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Re: Looking at purchasing an Arctic Spa
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2016, 12:26:27 pm »
I have never seen the inner-workings of an Arctic Hot Tub so I am curious as to the explanation as to why they are better for colder climates than other manufacturers.   

That is in no way a shot at them.  Frankly they never caught on in my area so I don't have any first-hand experience.  Many brands have to create differentiation.  Arctic has found their niche and good on them.  I am just curious as to the reasoning/data. 

Any dealers out there that can extrapolate honest info devoid of a sales pitch?

I've been in this industry for 15 years and I seriously cannot even understand what the hell they are talking about on their website regarding insulation...seriously go read it, I've never seen so many BS marketing terms in my life...."Super duty industrial heat shield deluxe thermo shell combined with an exclusive interlocking strategic NASA design flux capacitor for maximum super duty technologically advanced insulation system" ;D I'm not trying to rip them completely, but honestly it's that confusing

Water Boy

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Re: Looking at purchasing an Arctic Spa
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2016, 12:39:13 pm »
Hi Guys

Been looking at hot tubs for a while now and think we are finally ready to pull the trigger on an Arctic Spa Summit. We have done a great deal of research and feel that the Arctic Spa is a much better-built tub and can handle our climates compared to the Jacuzzi, Beachcomber and Hydro Pool dealers in our area.

We are looking at their 3 pump 61 jet model, with the spa boy salt system and light package.

Looking to hear from other people who have this hot tub and how they like it and how it's been for them.


Not a customer, but a dealer here for Arctic Spas. IMO, the Summit is the most comfortable spa that they make. We sell lots of the Summits. The three pump model is our most popular jetting package that customers choose as well. Arctic makes a great tub, and are as good as if not better than all the ones you mentioned.
Arctic Spas Dealer of the Year- 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009

Water Boy

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Re: Looking at purchasing an Arctic Spa
« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2016, 12:40:43 pm »
The real cedar siding on the Arctic spa really looks beautiful when new.

It looks great many years down the road as well as long as you stain the spa every other year. If you don't want to mess with staining the cedar cabinet, Arctic Spas offers a maintenance free cabinet option you can choose.
Arctic Spas Dealer of the Year- 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009

The Wizard of Spas

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Re: Looking at purchasing an Arctic Spa
« Reply #8 on: December 30, 2016, 01:51:54 pm »
The real cedar siding on the Arctic spa really looks beautiful when new.

It looks great many years down the road as well as long as you stain the spa every other year. If you don't want to mess with staining the cedar cabinet, Arctic Spas offers a maintenance free cabinet option you can choose.

I have to agree and press it further:  Wood really isn't worth it.  We have sold Catalina Spas for decades and until the last few years they featured Mahogany cabinets that were gorgeous, but a pain to keep treated and pretty. 

Though synthetic cabinets have come a long way, they still are not as pretty as wood.  However, wood is such a hassle and such a fragile component long-term it really isn't worth it to have.  There is a reason that other than Coast Spas and Arctic (off the top of my head), virtually every manufacturer does synthetic. 


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Re: Looking at purchasing an Arctic Spa
« Reply #9 on: December 30, 2016, 03:34:15 pm »
I have never seen the inner-workings of an Arctic Hot Tub so I am curious as to the explanation as to why they are better for colder climates than other manufacturers.   

That is in no way a shot at them.  Frankly they never caught on in my area so I don't have any first-hand experience.  Many brands have to create differentiation.  Arctic has found their niche and good on them.  I am just curious as to the reasoning/data. 

Any dealers out there that can extrapolate honest info devoid of a sales pitch?

I've been in this industry for 15 years and I seriously cannot even understand what the hell they are talking about on their website regarding insulation...seriously go read it, I've never seen so many BS marketing terms in my life...."Super duty industrial heat shield deluxe thermo shell combined with an exclusive interlocking strategic NASA design flux capacitor for maximum super duty technologically advanced insulation system" ;D I'm not trying to rip them completely, but honestly it's that confusing

Check out the videos for hydropool. Looks like they do something similar. They claim to be the most efficient spa on the planet but offer no proof. I think they make a good spa but their ads to me are comical


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Re: Looking at purchasing an Arctic Spa
« Reply #10 on: December 30, 2016, 08:31:35 pm »
Arctic uses their own rhetoric. Just like the rest. I love their wood. The molds are a bit to confining for me but they are popular here and elsewhere. Solid fiberglass shell, strong jet options. And there other selling point "easy access" which you hope is never used on any tub. But a benefit.

This has been debated hundreds of times. The data says they are almost as good as the best out there. Like the rest of the manufacturers. Never use this data to determine your kw usage.

The theory of using pump warmth as r-factor is flawed (better not be heat, heat burns up pumps/motors and electronics) if you don't consider the other 16-20 hours a day the pump isn't supposed to, or required to run.

Forgot to mention my data source.....there was an "independent study" that Arctic paid for, that did show favorable results for Arctic up against one of the best insulated circ pump Hot Springs models available at the time. The problem is they used a better insulated cover than the other competitors and didn't think we would notice. So the results are a bit skewed to make them look better than they actually did. Either way they didn't put themselves at the top which is admirable. And they shut up mostly about it. On this board anyway.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2016, 08:38:47 pm by Tman122 »


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Re: Looking at purchasing an Arctic Spa
« Reply #11 on: December 30, 2016, 10:57:20 pm »
Great Ideas!!!!
« Last Edit: January 04, 2017, 11:53:11 pm by KristenReed »

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Looking at purchasing an Arctic Spa
« Reply #11 on: December 30, 2016, 10:57:20 pm »


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