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Author Topic: Caldera Hot Tub Wiring Question - 50 Amp to 20A + 30A Conversion  (Read 12704 times)


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Caldera Hot Tub Wiring Question - 50 Amp to 20A + 30A Conversion
« on: December 17, 2016, 08:07:24 pm »
I bought a used 2014 Caldera Paradise Series Makena Hot Tub.  The manual states that it should be wired to two GFCI protected breakers:  A 20A Double-Pole a 30A Double-Pole Breaker.

Instead, the dedicated Spa Disconnect Panel that came with it when I bought it has a single 50Amp GFCI Double Pole Breaker.   When the high winds settle down, I'd like to wire this hot tub according to the manual.    (I saw the hot tub running before it was moved, so it was running off of this single 50A breaker.)

Is there a way I can undo what ever they did to have it go to the 50 A GFCI breaker and separate it out to the 20A/30A ones properly?  I don't mind running the extra wires.  I'd prefer it.  I just need a little info on what I'll be looking for in the hot tub itself so convert it back to 20 / 30 A.   (Sorry if it's obvious, I haven't had the tub open yet and the other Caldera hot tub I wired up to 20 / 30 A breakers was really straight forward about 3 years ago, so I don't remember it real vividly.)


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Caldera Hot Tub Wiring Question - 50 Amp to 20A + 30A Conversion
« on: December 17, 2016, 08:07:24 pm »


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Re: Caldera Hot Tub Wiring Question - 50 Amp to 20A + 30A Conversion
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2016, 08:05:54 am »
Google 'caldera spas pre-delivery guide'. Then look up your series/year.  It has the wiring instructions.


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Re: Caldera Hot Tub Wiring Question - 50 Amp to 20A + 30A Conversion
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2016, 03:49:58 pm »
I bought a used 2014 Caldera Paradise Series Makena Hot Tub.  The manual states that it should be wired to two GFCI protected breakers:  A 20A Double-Pole a 30A Double-Pole Breaker.

Instead, the dedicated Spa Disconnect Panel that came with it when I bought it has a single 50Amp GFCI Double Pole Breaker.   When the high winds settle down, I'd like to wire this hot tub according to the manual.    (I saw the hot tub running before it was moved, so it was running off of this single 50A breaker.)

Is there a way I can undo what ever they did to have it go to the 50 A GFCI breaker and separate it out to the 20A/30A ones properly?  I don't mind running the extra wires.  I'd prefer it.  I just need a little info on what I'll be looking for in the hot tub itself so convert it back to 20 / 30 A.   (Sorry if it's obvious, I haven't had the tub open yet and the other Caldera hot tub I wired up to 20 / 30 A breakers was really straight forward about 3 years ago, so I don't remember it real vividly.)


Sure easy. You won't need your current 50a gfci breaker though. You have 50 amps from the house? (check the circuit inside to be sure.) Do not use that 50a gfci breaker in the house. This should be a standard 50a breaker. You will have to get a new double sub panel box for outside thought.  Unless your current one has room for 2 new breakers? And you will need 2 GFCI breakers one in 30 amps and one in 20. If there isn't enough wires you may have to add those also, from the new panel to the tub. Please be careful with this advice. Hire a qualified electrician and follow your local codes and manufactures schematic. Did I indemnify myself enough?

One of the reasons it requires the extra breaker is simple. If the heater stops functioning and trips it's breaker, you can still pump water to keep it fresh and prevent freeze. May or may not be important to you.


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Re: Caldera Hot Tub Wiring Question - 50 Amp to 20A + 30A Conversion
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2016, 12:08:30 pm »
My Caldera Geneva I installed myself and Caldera supplies the dual breaker / GFCI with the new tub. The tub is designed to have dual breakers and I would question the install for safety just having the one 50 amp as it will take the full 50 amps to trip no matter what side of the circuit fails. Plus it is a very nice feature that is the heater goes (20 amp) the tub will still have power and go into survival mode until you can get it fixed. We get temps as low as -30f so every hour counts a lot without heat.

I have the drawings for the wire numbers but they are easy to find on line. The wire size required from the main in the house to the sub panel is # 6 and if memory serves me you need (7) #8 then to the tub.

If you have trouble finding the panel any Caldera dealer should have one. They are a little pricey if I remember right buying it from the dealer. They gave me mine to take home when I bought the tub and it was a couple weeks before the tub arrived.

I’m with you change it as soon as the weather allows.  If you bought it used from a dealer they should have known and I would make them supply one in trade for theirs back. If you bought it from an individual then it’s on you I would say.


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Re: Caldera Hot Tub Wiring Question - 50 Amp to 20A + 30A Conversion
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2016, 05:31:13 pm »
My Caldera Geneva I installed myself and Caldera supplies the dual breaker / GFCI with the new tub. The tub is designed to have dual breakers and I would question the install for safety just having the one 50 amp as it will take the full 50 amps to trip no matter what side of the circuit fails. Plus it is a very nice feature that is the heater goes (20 amp) the tub will still have power and go into survival mode until you can get it fixed. We get temps as low as -30f so every hour counts a lot without heat.

I have the drawings for the wire numbers but they are easy to find on line. The wire size required from the main in the house to the sub panel is # 6 and if memory serves me you need (7) #8 then to the tub.

If you have trouble finding the panel any Caldera dealer should have one. They are a little pricey if I remember right buying it from the dealer. They gave me mine to take home when I bought the tub and it was a couple weeks before the tub arrived.

I’m with you change it as soon as the weather allows.  If you bought it used from a dealer they should have known and I would make them supply one in trade for theirs back. If you bought it from an individual then it’s on you I would say.

Holy moly!!! where do you live where it gets -30? I live in way northern Minnesota and we see -30 maybe once a year if that. -20 plenty. Matter of fact -25 12-18-16


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Re: Caldera Hot Tub Wiring Question - 50 Amp to 20A + 30A Conversion
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2016, 05:58:53 pm »
My Caldera Geneva I installed myself and Caldera supplies the dual breaker / GFCI with the new tub. The tub is designed to have dual breakers and I would question the install for safety just having the one 50 amp as it will take the full 50 amps to trip no matter what side of the circuit fails. Plus it is a very nice feature that is the heater goes (20 amp) the tub will still have power and go into survival mode until you can get it fixed. We get temps as low as -30f so every hour counts a lot without heat.

I have the drawings for the wire numbers but they are easy to find on line. The wire size required from the main in the house to the sub panel is # 6 and if memory serves me you need (7) #8 then to the tub.

If you have trouble finding the panel any Caldera dealer should have one. They are a little pricey if I remember right buying it from the dealer. They gave me mine to take home when I bought the tub and it was a couple weeks before the tub arrived.

I’m with you change it as soon as the weather allows.  If you bought it used from a dealer they should have known and I would make them supply one in trade for theirs back. If you bought it from an individual then it’s on you I would say.

Holy moly!!! where do you live where it gets -30? I live in way northern Minnesota and we see -30 maybe once a year if that. -20 plenty. Matter of fact -25 12-18-16

Felt like minus 20 here on Friday. Mass by the ocean in the winter gets pretty cold but not like Minnesota T-Man


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Re: Caldera Hot Tub Wiring Question - 50 Amp to 20A + 30A Conversion
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2016, 07:12:28 am »
My Caldera Geneva I installed myself and Caldera supplies the dual breaker / GFCI with the new tub. The tub is designed to have dual breakers and I would question the install for safety just having the one 50 amp as it will take the full 50 amps to trip no matter what side of the circuit fails. Plus it is a very nice feature that is the heater goes (20 amp) the tub will still have power and go into survival mode until you can get it fixed. We get temps as low as -30f so every hour counts a lot without heat.

I have the drawings for the wire numbers but they are easy to find on line. The wire size required from the main in the house to the sub panel is # 6 and if memory serves me you need (7) #8 then to the tub.

If you have trouble finding the panel any Caldera dealer should have one. They are a little pricey if I remember right buying it from the dealer. They gave me mine to take home when I bought the tub and it was a couple weeks before the tub arrived.

I’m with you change it as soon as the weather allows.  If you bought it used from a dealer they should have known and I would make them supply one in trade for theirs back. If you bought it from an individual then it’s on you I would say.

Holy moly!!! where do you live where it gets -30? I live in way northern Minnesota and we see -30 maybe once a year if that. -20 plenty. Matter of fact -25 12-18-16

+25 on 12-19-16. 50 degree temperature change and still below freezing.


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Re: Caldera Hot Tub Wiring Question - 50 Amp to 20A + 30A Conversion
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2016, 08:36:39 am »
We live south of Erie Pa right at the top of the Great Lake basin. We get a lot of lake effect snows early in the winter over 200 inches most years until Lake Erie freezes over. Once that happens the wind from Canada Artic blasts come straight at us. –30 we had a few times in the last couple winters and like you –10 to –20 is expected. We are in our tub down to zero out as it is close to the house and I wrap the surround to keep the winds out if it gets that cold. We had zero last night and it isn’t even winter yet. 


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Re: Caldera Hot Tub Wiring Question - 50 Amp to 20A + 30A Conversion
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2016, 01:27:55 pm »
My Caldera Geneva I installed myself and Caldera supplies the dual breaker / GFCI with the new tub. The tub is designed to have dual breakers and I would question the install for safety just having the one 50 amp as it will take the full 50 amps to trip no matter what side of the circuit fails. Plus it is a very nice feature that is the heater goes (20 amp) the tub will still have power and go into survival mode until you can get it fixed. We get temps as low as -30f so every hour counts a lot without heat.

I have the drawings for the wire numbers but they are easy to find on line. The wire size required from the main in the house to the sub panel is # 6 and if memory serves me you need (7) #8 then to the tub.

If you have trouble finding the panel any Caldera dealer should have one. They are a little pricey if I remember right buying it from the dealer. They gave me mine to take home when I bought the tub and it was a couple weeks before the tub arrived.

I’m with you change it as soon as the weather allows.  If you bought it used from a dealer they should have known and I would make them supply one in trade for theirs back. If you bought it from an individual then it’s on you I would say.

Holy moly!!! where do you live where it gets -30? I live in way northern Minnesota and we see -30 maybe once a year if that. -20 plenty. Matter of fact -25 12-18-16

+25 on 12-19-16. 50 degree temperature change and still below freezing.

Average temperature for Erie PA 49.9. Average temperature for Duluth MN 39.4


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Re: Caldera Hot Tub Wiring Question - 50 Amp to 20A + 30A Conversion
« Reply #9 on: December 20, 2016, 10:28:03 pm »
My Caldera Geneva I installed myself and Caldera supplies the dual breaker / GFCI with the new tub. The tub is designed to have dual breakers and I would question the install for safety just having the one 50 amp as it will take the full 50 amps to trip no matter what side of the circuit fails. Plus it is a very nice feature that is the heater goes (20 amp) the tub will still have power and go into survival mode until you can get it fixed. We get temps as low as -30f so every hour counts a lot without heat.

I have the drawings for the wire numbers but they are easy to find on line. The wire size required from the main in the house to the sub panel is # 6 and if memory serves me you need (7) #8 then to the tub.

If you have trouble finding the panel any Caldera dealer should have one. They are a little pricey if I remember right buying it from the dealer. They gave me mine to take home when I bought the tub and it was a couple weeks before the tub arrived.

I’m with you change it as soon as the weather allows.  If you bought it used from a dealer they should have known and I would make them supply one in trade for theirs back. If you bought it from an individual then it’s on you I would say.

Holy moly!!! where do you live where it gets -30? I live in way northern Minnesota and we see -30 maybe once a year if that. -20 plenty. Matter of fact -25 12-18-16

+25 on 12-19-16. 50 degree temperature change and still below freezing.

Average temperature for Erie PA 49.9. Average temperature for Duluth MN 39.4

We get summer highs of 100. Erie records it's temp an measures snowfall at the airport that is about 1 mile from Lake Erie. That big thermal mass of the lake keeps the city warmer until it freezes over. it delays warm up in the spring and one of the reason grapes grow so well in that 5 mile wide band. Welch has a huge operation here. the climate 25 miles south of Erie is much different. Much colder and at least twice the snowfall. Erie won the US snowfall contest at the airport a couple years ago  and just south where we live we doubled the measurement they showed. 

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Caldera Hot Tub Wiring Question - 50 Amp to 20A + 30A Conversion
« Reply #9 on: December 20, 2016, 10:28:03 pm »


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