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Author Topic: Confused over PH  (Read 2819 times)


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Confused over PH
« on: December 09, 2016, 07:40:33 pm »
I've been doing some reading and looking at the Pool Calculator ( http://poolcalculator.com/index.html ) and I have to say, I'm left a bit confused.

First off, I see many references to "raising" or "lowering" the PH, but sometimes they appear to be in conflict with the actual PH numbers.  For example, I would think that when PH goes from 7.2 to 7.8 that the PH was RAISED, correct?  Since the number went HIGHER, I would think that means the PH was raised.   But when you look at the PH chart, the LOWER the number, the more ACIDIC the PH balance is.  So maybe when someone speaks of "RAISING THE PH" they mean to move the PH more toward ACIDIC, which actually is a LOWER number.  So I find many of the references to RAISING the LOWERING the PH on the internet to be a bit confusing.

For example, I've seen it said that you can add BORAX to RAISE the PH and add MURATIC ACID to LOWER the PH.  So this would seem to be talking about the actual PH number, correct?  If I add BORAX to water with a PH of 7.2, which way does the PH shift, toward 8 or toward 6?  My thinking is that it would shift it toward 8, and if I wanted to move it toward 6, I'd add Muratic Acid.  Is this correct?

Furthermore, when I go to the Pool Calculator site I posted above, and I put in a "GOAL" of 7.2 and a "NOT SET UP" value of 8.4, it tells me I need to add Borax.  So now I'm really confused.  If I want to move my current PH from 8.4 to 7.2, don't I need to add Muratic Acid?

Can someone straighten me out?  All these references to "Raising" and "Lowering" PH have me confused, I wish they would just talk in terms of the actual PH NUMBER going HIGHER or LOWER.

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Confused over PH
« on: December 09, 2016, 07:40:33 pm »


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Re: Confused over PH
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2016, 11:22:10 pm »
What exactly are you trying to do besides confuse yourself even more?  What is your ph?

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Confused over PH
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2016, 12:30:38 am »
 The other question would be, you balancing a pool or a hot tub? 


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Re: Confused over PH
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2016, 06:51:38 am »
Raising PH to me means make it less acidic (adding baking soda) Lowering means bring the number down or more acidic (add acid)


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Re: Confused over PH
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2016, 08:04:26 am »
What exactly are you trying to do besides confuse yourself even more?  What is your ph?

I'm trying to understand the relationship between different chemicals and how they affect PH.  Specifically, muratic acid and borax.

When muratic acid is added, what happens to the PH number?  For instance, if it is 7.0 and you add acid will it move toward 6 or 8? 

Same question for borax.  If PH is 7.0 and you add borax, which direction will the number move?

What confuses me are the terms "raises PH level" and "lower PH level".  When these terms are used, are they refering to the actual PH number going up and down, or the PH level becoming more or less acidic.  I ask because the two things are not the same.

The Wizard of Spas

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Re: Confused over PH
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2016, 11:04:57 am »
Make it easy and look at it in general terms:

Most sanitizers need pH levels to be set anywhere from 7.2-7.8.  It just depends on the SPECIFIC sanitizer you use.

If pH is 7.9 or higher, it needs to be lowered.  If it is 7.2 or lower, it needs to be raised.

Additionally, you should have your alkalinity level set usually between 80 to 120 ppm (parts per million).  But in some cases its 100-150ppm, again, depending on the sanitizer.

Alkalinity keeps the pH from fluctuating and acts as a buffer between the things that want to make the pH increase or decrease and the pH itself.

Muriatic acid REDUCES pH and alkalinity. 

The quality of your pH level = the quality of your sanitizer.  Example:  If your sanitizer (Lets say chlorine) was reading 3ppm but your pH was, say, 6.8, the quality of your sanitizer would be low.  If I was to guess I'd say that the 3ppm reading was really only 1.5ppm active.  I don't know the math but you get the point, and I am sure someone can correct my math on here.

Additionally:  Keeping pH in line helps with the quality and life of your jets and heater and other components.  High pH over time degrades metals, causing pitting, etc. and low pH over time causes metal deposits.  This is not covered under warranty.

My take:  Keep pH, alkalinity and sanitizer levels in line at all times and life is easy.  Others swear to adding this and that, product X, so on so forth.  Though I see the value in said products, I am a "less is more guy"--  That is, if you dont need it dont add it.  If you in the future have an issue with "X" then yes, address it.  But until then lets just wait to cross that bridge.

Does this help? 

EDIT:  Spelling.  I always misspell things cause I'm a dummy.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2016, 11:07:35 am by The Wizard of Spas »


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Re: Confused over PH
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2016, 11:12:29 am »
What exactly are you trying to do besides confuse yourself even more?  What is your ph?

I'm trying to understand the relationship between different chemicals and how they affect PH.  Specifically, muratic acid and borax.

When muratic acid is added, what happens to the PH number?  For instance, if it is 7.0 and you add acid will it move toward 6 or 8? 

Same question for borax.  If PH is 7.0 and you add borax, which direction will the number move?

What confuses me are the terms "raises PH level" and "lower PH level".  When these terms are used, are they refering to the actual PH number going up and down, or the PH level becoming more or less acidic.  I ask because the two things are not the same.

If you add acid it will go towards 6. Borax is more of a ph buffer

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Re: Confused over PH
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2016, 11:12:29 am »


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