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Author Topic: Reliability of Jacuzzi  (Read 22020 times)


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Re: Reliability of Jacuzzi
« Reply #30 on: December 13, 2016, 06:20:03 pm »
However, the massage selector/diverter on the left side doesn't have enough tension/friction so it has a lot of play in the middle position where it moves freely. It seemed like you might be able to adjust it if you unscrew the cover but didn't want to do it without insight. I have install guys coming tomorrow to put on the cover assist and will call the dealer to figure it out.

Hmm, mine is all manual.   There is the one diverter screw thing that chooses either this port at the base of the tub or the waterfalls for the water to exit.   It is hooked up with the circulation pump, so if that pump is on, water flows dependent upon that physical switch.   Not sure what is up with yours.   Hopefully you find out good news from the dealer.

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Re: Reliability of Jacuzzi
« Reply #30 on: December 13, 2016, 06:20:03 pm »


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Re: Reliability of Jacuzzi
« Reply #31 on: December 14, 2016, 08:40:21 pm »
A quick follow up.  I received the replacement part I ordered for the tub which was not covered by the warranty.   I was told it was not covered because it was part of the lighting system.   Look at the below photos.   The part is for the back of a headrest.  It is a mount for the headrest and the LED goes inside of it, with the wire to plug it in.   If you notice on the second photo, you must remove the LED to install the part.   So, that part on the right, the part that fills the hole in the tub and where the pillow mounts is what is broken and I need to replace.  You know that part can not have cost more than a few dollars.   Jacuzzi as a company would rather loose a customer and indirectly loose a ton more potential customers because of a few dollar part.   If they don't stand behind this cheap part, I am really scared if something that actually cost money breaks!   

The waterfall LED is a standalone LED.   It does nothing more than light up.   Similar to the piece at the end of the headrest wire that you must remove to install the piece that broke on my tub.  The entire ordeal reminds me of the movie Tommy Boy.  This meme I found is the part I am referring to.  It may not fit exactly, but close enough.


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Re: Reliability of Jacuzzi
« Reply #32 on: December 17, 2016, 10:10:32 pm »
So I can tell why they don't want to warranty those parts.  It was a bit of a bear to replace, mostly time consuming.   After taking off all the screws for the panel and removing that side's lifter attachment, I had to tear out a bunch of insulation to get to the spot.   Then, there is a hose right behind it that it is basically touching.   When taking out the old one, the rest of the threaded part was so brittle, it broke twice more in my hand.   I foresee me needing to change a few more of these soon.   I was going to reuse the same LED part, but it looked a bit worn, and I already had the panels off, so I swapped it too.  I'll keep the old LED part, it still worked fine.  The extreme brittle state of the old threaded part was really disappointing after only two and a half years.  At least it is functional where we can sit in that part of our tub again.

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Reliability of Jacuzzi
« Reply #33 on: December 18, 2016, 12:29:33 pm »
    Light and pillows always carry a 1 or 2 year warranty with most MFGs.   I remember when the 400 series came out at the Vegas show, my first question was what happens when the light in the foot dome goes out, and how do you replace it?   The R&D guys says, oh they won't ever go out, but if it does you can just flip the spa up, take the btm pan off, dig through the foam and replace it, should be pretty easy  ::)  As a service tech at the time, you can imagine what I was thinking and wanted to say.   ;)   


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Re: Reliability of Jacuzzi
« Reply #34 on: December 18, 2016, 02:17:22 pm »
So I can tell why they don't want to warranty those parts.  It was a bit of a bear to replace, mostly time consuming.   After taking off all the screws for the panel and removing that side's lifter attachment, I had to tear out a bunch of insulation to get to the spot.   Then, there is a hose right behind it that it is basically touching.   When taking out the old one, the rest of the threaded part was so brittle, it broke twice more in my hand.   I foresee me needing to change a few more of these soon.   I was going to reuse the same LED part, but it looked a bit worn, and I already had the panels off, so I swapped it too.  I'll keep the old LED part, it still worked fine.  The extreme brittle state of the old threaded part was really disappointing after only two and a half years.  At least it is functional where we can sit in that part of our tub again.

There is an old saying "people who build pools/spas ARE NOT the same people who service pools/spas"  Many manufacturers build certain components into a spa that are completely asinine and almost un-serviceable...why you ask? very simple..$$$$$$$


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Re: Reliability of Jacuzzi
« Reply #35 on: December 18, 2016, 03:33:26 pm »
Not just money BFSM, customers want to buy them.

I like to avoid all the manufacturers little doodads and gimmicks. They always seem to be the first things to stop functioning properly. Jacuzzi used to make great pumps and well designed plumbing. Which creates a genuinely unique feel. Copied a lot.

I don't know if they are still the same, closest dealer to me is 150 miles down by you, but their stuff was always proprietary (more expensive) but of slightly better (different?) quality, longevity and power IMO. Even stuff like the hose fittings, they were swept more than others and built different so you had to buy theirs for exact replacements. Took a long time for copies to come out. Then Jacuzzi would change something.

But it sounds like they may be less than stellar in the warm and fuzzys department to some customers/dealers? Where are they currently made/headquartered?


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Re: Reliability of Jacuzzi
« Reply #36 on: December 18, 2016, 03:48:30 pm »
Made in mia-mexico, based in Chino.


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Re: Reliability of Jacuzzi
« Reply #37 on: December 21, 2016, 10:12:29 pm »
I agree with those that say "stay away from Jacuzzi".  I purchased the J 470 from Jacuzzi a little over 5 years ago and it has been one of the, if not, the worst purchase I made in my entire life.  The list of defective equipment replaced/repaired is mind boggling!  The pumps, brain/control panel, waterfall lighting, JBL audio system and the bucket (the well where the main filter is attached) have all been replaced.  The well was replaced a second time, because the same issue continued after the initial replacement.  After the second well replacement, I was told I could no longer use the filter that was designed for this Spa.  The new well could not accept that filter and I could now only use a smaller filter.  I should mention that the Spa also leaks.  I can fill it to max capacity and the water line will be below the skimmer by the next day.  They told me it was in the waterfall lighting system and that also was replaced.  It continued to leak.  I called, reported the problem and they came out to investigate.  They told me they found the problem and fixed it.  I filled it up and it leaked faster.  Now, the supply breaker is also tripping.  I have placed a call to the dealer and left a message.  I have not heard from them.  I spoke to a Jacuzzi representative a few months ago and expressed my disappointment with their product.  I asked if they had a lemon law type consumer protection program and was basically laughed at.  She told me that Jacuzzi would have to exhaust every effort to make repairs before giving up on the product and giving me a new Spa.  She also told me that if this were to happen, I would be responsible for shipping costs, installation fees and removal fees of the old Spa.  Who can afford those costs?  They certainly are not concerned with obligations to their customers.  Buyers beware!


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Re: Reliability of Jacuzzi
« Reply #38 on: December 30, 2016, 06:04:44 pm »
My new Jacuzzi sprung a leak. It looks like it's coming from the backside of the Clear Ray system.


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Re: Reliability of Jacuzzi
« Reply #39 on: December 30, 2016, 08:14:47 pm »
My new Jacuzzi sprung a leak. It looks like it's coming from the backside of the Clear Ray system.

Easy warranty fix. But do you feel it's needed? Bypass it?
« Last Edit: December 30, 2016, 08:16:20 pm by Tman122 »


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Re: Reliability of Jacuzzi
« Reply #40 on: February 25, 2017, 12:07:00 pm »
I agree with those that say "stay away from Jacuzzi".  I purchased the J 470 from Jacuzzi a little over 5 years ago and it has been one of the, if not, the worst purchase I made in my entire life.  The list of defective equipment replaced/repaired is mind boggling!  The pumps, brain/control panel, waterfall lighting, JBL audio system and the bucket (the well where the main filter is attached) have all been replaced.  The well was replaced a second time, because the same issue continued after the initial replacement.  After the second well replacement, I was told I could no longer use the filter that was designed for this Spa.  The new well could not accept that filter and I could now only use a smaller filter.  I should mention that the Spa also leaks.  I can fill it to max capacity and the water line will be below the skimmer by the next day.  They told me it was in the waterfall lighting system and that also was replaced.  It continued to leak.  I called, reported the problem and they came out to investigate.  They told me they found the problem and fixed it.  I filled it up and it leaked faster.  Now, the supply breaker is also tripping.  I have placed a call to the dealer and left a message.  I have not heard from them.  I spoke to a Jacuzzi representative a few months ago and expressed my disappointment with their product.  I asked if they had a lemon law type consumer protection program and was basically laughed at.  She told me that Jacuzzi would have to exhaust every effort to make repairs before giving up on the product and giving me a new Spa.  She also told me that if this were to happen, I would be responsible for shipping costs, installation fees and removal fees of the old Spa.  Who can afford those costs?  They certainly are not concerned with obligations to their customers.  Buyers beware!

It seems my waterfall feature activates whenever the heater is on. Is this expected behavior? It's keeping me up at night and neighbors are complaining about the low level frequency rumble it creates.


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Re: Reliability of Jacuzzi
« Reply #41 on: March 01, 2017, 11:04:20 pm »
Good evening all,

Sorry to hear all the bad reliability stories about Jacuzzi.  I purchased a J-345 8/2015 which started off a little rocky.  It wasn't really a big deal looking back.  They claimed the truck was in an accident during the delivery and my tub was the only one damaged.  They said I could wait another few weeks or take delivery soon of one they has n stock.  The only difference was the inside color would be white instead of blue or whatever I had picked.  I felt like they were just trying to unload their current inventory on me.  They also promised some freebies due to the situation.  Getting the freebies was not just here you go.  I had to ask a couple of times for them to follow through with this.  What I ended up with was a set of filters.

Anyways, since then there has been zero problems with this tub.  Heater, pumps, pillows, lights, everything works excellent.  A code popped up a few months ago letting me know to replace the Clear Ray bulb.  Since then I have run it without replacing the bulb and everything (the water) has been fine.  I did buy the bulb a couple days ago for about $100 and will put in soon.


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Re: Reliability of Jacuzzi
« Reply #42 on: March 02, 2017, 12:40:12 am »
 Glad your spa is doing good.   That being said all the "previous" BS you dealt with was your dealers problems not Jacuzzi's.   

   I have been hearing about some quality control issues with Jacuzzi, but I am sure they will fix it in due time. 

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Reliability of Jacuzzi
« Reply #42 on: March 02, 2017, 12:40:12 am »


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