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Author Topic: Fish out of (Hot Tub) Water  (Read 3233 times)


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Fish out of (Hot Tub) Water
« on: November 15, 2016, 12:09:57 pm »
I really need some help deciphering how to go about repairing a "free" marquis hot tub that was given to us on freecycle.  At this point, it's cost us about $1000 just to move it into position and rewire our house in preparation for it. It is missing the circuit board and control panel, and had no cover what it came. The person who gave it away said that it just needed a circuit board which would be about $200, but I'm really having a terrible time finding what we need and pricing it out. And my husband and other mechanical / electrically inclined people in my life have been too busy to really pay any attention to it. We've had it sitting here for over 6 months now, and our new back deck that is being built around it is almost finished, so I really want to get it fixed and functional.

I can't seem to find the correct circuit board. Everything online says to look at the current circuit board, and there isn't one.  The circuit board panel has a sticker that says:

Marquis Spa / Balboa Instruments
P/M 53325-01
Model: MTS2KU

I have no problem calling in a professional to get this done, but I'm worried that I do not even know how to access all of the considerations of fixing it. I know this is a very expensive model, and even still, we don't have thousands of more dollars to sink into fixing it up.  So before I call in the professionals, I'd like to understand better what the costs of the correct circuit board and control panel (and cover) might be. And are there other things I need to consider? Additional parts that might be missing, or that are needed to install the circuit board and control panel?  I have a friend who can run a dye test(?) to check for leaks, but if he does find leaks, what kind of investment might we be talking about to get that fixed?

I'm so sorry if I'm asking what might be considered basic questions. I'm a medical provider - I deal with human bodies, not machines, and I just have no idea what I'm even looking for here to get this up and running.

Thanks for helping me figure out where to start!

- Tracy

Hot Tub Forum

Fish out of (Hot Tub) Water
« on: November 15, 2016, 12:09:57 pm »


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Re: Fish out of (Hot Tub) Water
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2016, 01:46:57 pm »
Lot's of Marquis dealers on here that can give you more specifics but a simple google search for that control panel and I am seeing circuit board prices in the $750 range, not $200.  Again, let one of the experts here chime in but it sounds like you are in for a bit of an expense to get this running again.  I was able to find one in the $500 range.  See links below.  Is this what you need?




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Re: Fish out of (Hot Tub) Water
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2016, 01:58:09 pm »
I'm sure one of the Marquis guys will come along, but FYI I don't know of ANY circuit board that only costs $200

circuit board $350-$600
topside control $150-$300
Cover $450 ish depending on specs
A leak can cost $300 to repair or $2,000 if it needs to be picked up, brought to a shop for repair, re-delivered, etc. If there are multiple leaks or the access is tight most companies will not want to repair it in your backyard, but rather bring it in so the costs can add up quickly

plus install if you have a pro do it...how old is this tub and what model? you may want to scrap it and look at something different you could be getting yourself into a money pit


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Re: Fish out of (Hot Tub) Water
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2016, 02:15:13 pm »
In order to help you, I need the serial number off of the hot tub itself (not off of the pack/PC board).  There should be a sticker or some sort of metal tag in the equipment area of the spa that says "Marquis Spas" and a "UL Listed" logo if it's pre-2008.


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Re: Fish out of (Hot Tub) Water
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2016, 03:26:34 pm »
Like markee said get us the serial number and we can get you part #'s for what you will need. Do you have a marquis dealer near by to you?


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Re: Fish out of (Hot Tub) Water
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2016, 04:32:18 pm »
You would be better off just putting in a whole new pack.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Fish out of (Hot Tub) Water
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2016, 04:32:18 pm »


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