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Author Topic: Leisure Bay circuit board issue  (Read 2952 times)


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Leisure Bay circuit board issue
« on: November 15, 2016, 09:01:53 pm »

Hello, ive recently purchased a use 1998 Leisure Bay Spa. The owner said all it needed was the topside panel. So i get the tub and try to diagnose it myself. Im new to the hot tub world so ive been doing lots of research to learn this thing. So came to the conclusion that it needed the panel. Purchased one and fired it up. Everything worked great for about 5 mins. Then something inside the electrical panel clicked and everything turned off. The GFCI didnt trip or the main breaker in house didnt trip. So i turned off the breaker and then back on. Nothing works. The led on the topside panel is illuminated but says nothing on display. Nothing works. So i let it sit for about an hour with the power off. Turned power back on and everything worked again for about 5 min until it clicked in electrical panel again and everything shut down. It almost seems like something is getting hot and then has to cool to start back up. Any help would be great.


Watch begining first then just fastforward to 6:20 and you will hear and see it trip.

Balboa 51789 circuit board.

Balboa 54108 Topside panel.

G-Pack 4000 with 4 pump system panel

Hot Tub Forum

Leisure Bay circuit board issue
« on: November 15, 2016, 09:01:53 pm »


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Re: Leisure Bay circuit board issue
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2017, 08:32:56 am »
Unfortunately I'm not going to be any help but I am interested in what would fix yours because mine is doing a similar thing the only difference is mine will not turn on at all but I have the red light on the panel


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Re: Leisure Bay circuit board issue
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2017, 03:45:44 pm »
I just posted an issue I have been having with my Jacuzzi J-315 circuit board.  In my case, the phone looking cable (flat with phone connectors on each end) socket on the circuit board was loose and when there was any pressure or knock to the cabinet, one or the other of signals or events would happen.  If you (after killing the power) take off the circuit box cover and find the wire between your control panel and the circuit board, see if that connector is loose.  That may not be your problem, but from what I have read, a circuit board is either good or bad, and won't work at all if it's bad.


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Re: Leisure Bay circuit board issue
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2017, 08:25:36 pm »

Hello, ive recently purchased a use 1998 Leisure Bay Spa. The owner said all it needed was the topside panel. So i get the tub and try to diagnose it myself. Im new to the hot tub world so ive been doing lots of research to learn this thing. So came to the conclusion that it needed the panel. Purchased one and fired it up. Everything worked great for about 5 mins. Then something inside the electrical panel clicked and everything turned off. The GFCI didnt trip or the main breaker in house didnt trip. So i turned off the breaker and then back on. Nothing works. The led on the topside panel is illuminated but says nothing on display. Nothing works. So i let it sit for about an hour with the power off. Turned power back on and everything worked again for about 5 min until it clicked in electrical panel again and everything shut down. It almost seems like something is getting hot and then has to cool to start back up. Any help would be great.


Watch begining first then just fastforward to 6:20 and you will hear and see it trip.

Balboa 51789 circuit board.

Balboa 54108 Topside panel.

G-Pack 4000 with 4 pump system panel

Unplug one component at a time then turn it back on. Start with the ozonater if it has one, then the heater, then each pump. If your comfortable working with electricity. Shut it off at the breaker each time. Make sure your input wires are all tight. On both ends.


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Re: Leisure Bay circuit board issue
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2017, 08:36:16 pm »
I've replaced the top side and the circuit board and everything works like it should. Something was wrong with the board. Thanks for the replys.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Leisure Bay circuit board issue
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2017, 08:36:16 pm »


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