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Author Topic: I have issues with the Cover Mate III installation with the gas shocks...  (Read 3611 times)


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When it comes time to attach the gas shocks to the ball studs, the hole in the gas shock reaches beyond the ball studs and you apparently have to force the gas shock down in order to insert the ball stud into the hole of the gas shock. But it seems so hard to do that I feel like it isn't possible and that there must be an easier way to "compress" the gas shock so that ithe hole in it is even with the ball stud. The instructions don't address this issue.

I called the manufacturer and they just said you need to force it down so it fits on the ball stud. It seems like there has to be a better way, but I don't know what it is and I bought it through eBay so I don't really have a way to call the retailer I bought it from and I tried to call one and act like I would buy it if he could assure me this wouldn't be an issue. He said he would tell me when I came in to buy it, so he wasn't biting.

Does anyone have any suggestions? The YouTube video I saw shows the guy having the same problem I am having, but doesn't actually show him getting it attached. He was struggling and then it faded and went to the next step. I wish it worked that way for me, too, because this has been a real pain.

Any suggestions would be welcome. Thanks in advance.

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Re: I have issues with the Cover Mate III installation with the gas shocks...
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2016, 02:28:07 pm »
Let this post be an example of the value of paying a few more dollars up front, supporting your local brick and mortar company that pays a livable wage to people and trains them to know the answer to your questions and provide excellent support.  Nobody wants to pay for that support until they need it.

Not trying to be a jerk, but I see this on a daily basis.  People love to tell us that they can get the same thing on-line for $5 less and ask us to lower our price.  Well, that extra $5 isn't just because we are greedy.  We pay our employees well and train them extensively.  7 days per week, you can call us and get support for the products that we charge a tiny bit more for.  It's frustrating.


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Re: I have issues with the Cover Mate III installation with the gas shocks...
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2016, 03:24:47 pm »
Well, in this instance it was closer to $50 difference, or yes, I would have bought locally, because I agree with you. But that $50 is about one fourth of the total cost. And honestly, if the instructions were written better, this would not have even been an issue.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2016, 03:46:21 pm by Hawki1683 »


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Re: I have issues with the Cover Mate III installation with the gas shocks...
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2016, 11:54:13 pm »
Leisure concepts writes terrible instructions! 

So you tried to trick the person you knew you weren't going to buy it from into helping you because you bought it online to save $50?  People say spa dealers are sleezy... geez.

However, I'll try to help just because you already have it.  You do need just elbow grease.  Have the cover at an angle (may want two people for this) and push down on the shock to snap it on.  You can also use a small flat headed screw driver to pull the metal clamp out just a bit from the shock to making it get onto the knob easier. 

Hope you get it done! 


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Re: I have issues with the Cover Mate III installation with the gas shocks...
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2016, 09:55:08 pm »
Thanks. It is now functional.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: I have issues with the Cover Mate III installation with the gas shocks...
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2016, 09:55:08 pm »


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