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Author Topic: Where to Sell my Jacuzzi J480?  (Read 8124 times)


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Where to Sell my Jacuzzi J480?
« on: November 04, 2016, 05:58:52 pm »
Hi, would prefer to sell my Brand New Unused 2013 Jacuzzi J480 to people that already know about spas than craigslist. Are there any Spa forums that have a classified/for sale section?

I haven't come across one.

Thank you for any response.

« Last Edit: November 18, 2016, 05:31:39 pm by Cali »

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Where to Sell my Jacuzzi J480?
« on: November 04, 2016, 05:58:52 pm »


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Re: Where to Sell my Jacuzzi J480?
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2016, 08:25:05 pm »
How much were you seeking it for? Where are you located?


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Re: Where to Sell my Jacuzzi J480?
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2016, 01:45:49 pm »
Couple ideas that come to mind:

1) Craigslist - To my mind, it's still one of the best and quickest ways to get rid of it if you don't want to hang onto it for a long time. If you can structure the deal so it is easy to move, then that will save you some tire-kickers. The bad is you have a bunch of tire-kickers who are 'lookers' coming into your place and some people are uncomfortable with that. I've looked at a few off C/L and had great conversations with the owners at each place. If it's priced at a very attractive price, then you'll sell it a lot faster, so it's a balancing act: Seek more money and have to put up with more 'lookers', or sell it super cheap and make it go away.
2) Used hot tub sellers - Depending on where you live, and how much you want to get out of it, if you check on craigslist, you'll often see guys who deal in used hot tubs, especially in some major metro areas. Also, the guys who advertise for "moving" hot tubs, they sometimes buy hot tubs, especially the better ones that they can re-sell. Your hot tub might be a great candidate for such an outfit if there are  any in your area.
3) Hot tub stores - If this hot tub is indeed unused and in really good condition, hot tub stores, especially those that sell your brand of hot tub, might be interested in buying it from you ....to have as a low-cost option for someone not ready to plunk down bigger money on a brand new latest model hot tub. At least they'll sell something to someone. Call all the hot tub and spa stores in your area and ask for the manager or owner and tell then what you are thinking.
4) Real Estate Agents - If you know real estate agents, call a few and tell them you have a new H/T you want to sell cheap and there's a good chance they might find a seller, or sweeten the deal on a house they're selling.
5) Apartment owners - Here again, they might have properties which they had been thinking about installing a new H/T to attract certain buyers and if you can get ahold of the right person to speak to, you might be able to strike a deal. If there are any VRBO (vacation rentals by owner) in your area, they might be interested in adding a H/T to a vacation rental property to enhance it's value.
6) Donate it to charity - Here you can get rid of it and take the tax deduction. Just a thought.

Obviously, in all cases above, bear in mind that selling used hot tubs is like selling a used computer: they go for a fraction of the original new price. So, don't get greedy and turn off a bunch of potential buyers. Maybe some people here can give you an idea of what your used hot tub could bring. If you scan C/L enough you'll see some like new ones selling or $3,500, but I don't know who buys them. Also bear in mind that anyone buying a used hot tub is assuming a lot of potential risk. Hot tub stores are not enthusiastic on the potential of selling a hot tub that will potentially tarnish their name, or cause them a lot of cost to make it 'right'. So, any way you can assure them it's good, will help your case and value.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2016, 01:55:28 pm by JacuzziJack »


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Re: Where to Sell my Jacuzzi J480?
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2016, 03:13:23 pm »
I see so many free tubs on craigslist around here it's amazing to me anyone pays for a used tub.  I'm further amazed anyone buys new (like I just did).  Freebies are everywhere...

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Re: Where to Sell my Jacuzzi J480?
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2016, 03:17:58 pm »
In my opinion, Craigslist is your only and best option....or selling it back the the dealer you bought it from.

A message board for selling hot tubs? Even if there were one, you'd be lucky to find even one person close enough to be interested. Like a new car, the second it's driven off the lot, it loses tremendous value. Add to that, that it will have NO warranty, and it loses even more value.
If you can't sell it on eBay, it may not even qualify as landfill.

Retired (mostly) from the industry after 33 years...but still putzing around with a consumer information website, and trying to sell obsolete owners manuals


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Re: Where to Sell my Jacuzzi J480?
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2016, 10:31:57 am »
Curious why you bought it and now why you want to sell it?
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Re: Where to Sell my Jacuzzi J480?
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2016, 12:45:47 pm »
Dovetailing Question:

I am a dealer who has a few units and spa accessories that I am trying to move.  We don't really advertise other than SEO and SEM, so I have limited avenues to spread the word as to some deals I currently am offering.

I have a special tab on my website that lists units that we have on clearance, or odds & ends we have available.  However, that isn't enough.

I have just began to utilize (today is the first day, in fact) craigslist for our clearance products, trying to get any sort of traction. 

Thus my long-winded question is:  What do you DEALERS do when you have things that have to be moved on clearance?  Am I on the right track?   Any other suggestions?

Thank you for your time.


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Re: Where to Sell my Jacuzzi J480?
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2016, 03:37:24 pm »
Thank you for the replies, I have listed on Craigslist but I was hoping to find a Hot Tub forum with a "For Sale" section....some audio/video and auto forums have them. Giving it away for free is def not an option as it sells for around $13k new.

How much were you seeking it for? Where are you located?

I can not list it for sale on this site, I am located in Simi Valley, Ca and maybe you can message me with your email. For some reason I am not able to reply to messages on here.

Curious why you bought it and now why you want to sell it?

I purchased my original J480 in 2006 and the in 2013 Jacuzzi replaced it under warranty (shell cracking issue on that year model) with a Brand New one with t new warranty. But I can't use it in my new place so looking to just sell it now.


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Re: Where to Sell my Jacuzzi J480?
« Reply #8 on: November 18, 2016, 06:18:39 pm »
I'd be surprised if you could get much more than (or even) $3,500 for it, but you could throw it on there for $4,995 and see if someone will bite. Reason is, there are a lot of other 'new' hot tubs on craigslist around here that claim to be over-stocked or previous year models, also brand new from a dealer or wholesaler, so why would they buy yours ...it's riskier because if there's a problem, they are on their own.

I think it also comes down to hot tub buying psychology. You have one group of buyers who want a hot tub but don't have all the cash to buy one, so they finance (that counts yours out). Then, you have a group who DO have money and really don't need to finance, and can buy whatever they want, so why would they buy yours, unless it represented a really good deal, too good to pass up. In both cases, neither group generally wants to deal with managing moving the hot tub and the installation (New dealers make that part easy). Then, there is the whole issue of potential problems and risk, which is a big unknown on your hot tub. Even you don't know it's condition because you've never used it. New hot tub owners frequently have problems that the dealer irons out right away. It's entirely possible there is a crack in the shell from being moved around and you don't even know it, or the $500 control board is no good. At least with a $500 or $2,000 hot tub, a buyer can usually see it 'run'. One would expect there aren't problems with your new one, but who knows? So that unknown is going to factor heavily into a person's decision and what they think that hassle is worth to them.

You're looking for the customer who has a good bunch of cash at hand (not that many these days), is prepared to manage moving the H/T and the install and isn't afraid of handling any potential problems that might present themselves, even the worst problem, like a pesky leak somewhere. That's a small slice of buyers. Someone like a contractor or hands-on skilled person who have owned hot tubs before would probably be a good candidate. Problem is, for this group of people, there are already a lot of hot tubs to choose from anywhere from $2,000 all the way down to free that you are competing with. I guess if I were in your shoes, I'd start high and work your price down as you get towards spring or get tired of phone calls and showing it to people. You never know, there probably is that special person out there willing to take a chance on your tub. When I looked for our used hot tub, the sellers I got to know told me they had a lot of tire-kickers and people who didn't have any money calling them. I had hot tub sellers calling me back offering me the hot tub for less because they eventually just wanted it gone. Maybe you can put your HT in storage until you have the ability to use it again ...or let a close relative install it so you can go over and enjoy it. I see your dilema though
« Last Edit: November 18, 2016, 06:29:48 pm by JacuzziJack »


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Re: Where to Sell my Jacuzzi J480?
« Reply #9 on: November 19, 2016, 05:26:54 pm »
Just a quick note: the warranty won't transfer to whoever buys it


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Re: Where to Sell my Jacuzzi J480?
« Reply #10 on: November 29, 2016, 02:46:14 pm »
I see so many free tubs on craigslist around here it's amazing to me anyone pays for a used tub.  I'm further amazed anyone buys new (like I just did).  Freebies are everywhere...

They are "free" for a reason.   I am giving away the hot tub that came with the house last year.  It's an old Great Lakes Sunlighter and I didn't want to put any money into it.  I just finally found and purchased an '07 HS Vanguard from craigslist after looking for well over 6 months for a Hot Spring. 

There are lots of tubs for sale or free on CL, but very few, IMO, quality name brand tubs for sale.  Lots of junk out there.  Occasionally I'll see a Sundance, Marquis or Hot Spring, but not too often.
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Re: Where to Sell my Jacuzzi J480?
« Reply #11 on: November 29, 2016, 05:15:13 pm »
I think more than 3500 Jack. An independent guy who can move and place it could likely get almost double that. California is a long drive. But I hear the valley is nice.


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Re: Where to Sell my Jacuzzi J480?
« Reply #12 on: November 29, 2016, 06:44:33 pm »
I'd be surprised if you could get much more than (or even) $3,500 for it, but you could throw it on there for $4,995 and see if someone will bite. Reason is, there are a lot of other 'new' hot tubs on craigslist around here that claim to be over-stocked or previous year models, also brand new from a dealer or wholesaler, so why would they buy yours ...it's riskier because if there's a problem, they are on their own.

I think it also comes down to hot tub buying psychology. You have one group of buyers who want a hot tub but don't have all the cash to buy one, so they finance (that counts yours out). Then, you have a group who DO have money and really don't need to finance, and can buy whatever they want, so why would they buy yours, unless it represented a really good deal, too good to pass up. In both cases, neither group generally wants to deal with managing moving the hot tub and the installation (New dealers make that part easy). Then, there is the whole issue of potential problems and risk, which is a big unknown on your hot tub. Even you don't know it's condition because you've never used it. New hot tub owners frequently have problems that the dealer irons out right away. It's entirely possible there is a crack in the shell from being moved around and you don't even know it, or the $500 control board is no good. At least with a $500 or $2,000 hot tub, a buyer can usually see it 'run'. One would expect there aren't problems with your new one, but who knows? So that unknown is going to factor heavily into a person's decision and what they think that hassle is worth to them.

You're looking for the customer who has a good bunch of cash at hand (not that many these days), is prepared to manage moving the H/T and the install and isn't afraid of handling any potential problems that might present themselves, even the worst problem, like a pesky leak somewhere. That's a small slice of buyers. Someone like a contractor or hands-on skilled person who have owned hot tubs before would probably be a good candidate. Problem is, for this group of people, there are already a lot of hot tubs to choose from anywhere from $2,000 all the way down to free that you are competing with. I guess if I were in your shoes, I'd start high and work your price down as you get towards spring or get tired of phone calls and showing it to people. You never know, there probably is that special person out there willing to take a chance on your tub. When I looked for our used hot tub, the sellers I got to know told me they had a lot of tire-kickers and people who didn't have any money calling them. I had hot tub sellers calling me back offering me the hot tub for less because they eventually just wanted it gone. Maybe you can put your HT in storage until you have the ability to use it again ...or let a close relative install it so you can go over and enjoy it. I see your dilema though

I just bought a J470 and live in TO. Second paragraph hits the nail on the head in my situation. It's been a pain in the ass trying to get a contractor out to lay cement, and run wire, but the dealer helped get everything sorted out.


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Re: Where to Sell my Jacuzzi J480?
« Reply #13 on: January 08, 2017, 11:26:36 pm »
How soon are you planning on selling? I may be interested, but won't be ready for it until March.


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Re: Where to Sell my Jacuzzi J480?
« Reply #14 on: January 14, 2017, 07:59:08 pm »
I will like to buy from you if you still have it. Email me at aabdalle82@gmail.com or call me at 6512357292. Thanks Cali

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Re: Where to Sell my Jacuzzi J480?
« Reply #14 on: January 14, 2017, 07:59:08 pm »


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