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Ready to buy HS Envoy or Aria - will 2017 tubs change much?
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Topic: Ready to buy HS Envoy or Aria - will 2017 tubs change much? (Read 4495 times)
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Ready to buy HS Envoy or Aria - will 2017 tubs change much?
November 01, 2016, 03:11:36 am »
I have not seen much info on how frequently Hot Spring updates their designs. I believe the current design was released in 2014 and changed subtly here and there. Does anyone know if changes are expected for next year?
We are most happy with the Envoy, but have yet to test the Aria and would somewhat prefer the smaller external size (our backyard is small). I do like the captain's chair in the Envoy, but the Aria adds higher shoulder/neck jets to the corner seat which the Envoy lacks. Any additional feedback would be appreciated. Any comments/concerns regarding the wireless remote on the envoy? Is this thing going to keep working in 15 years as one would hope? Seems like wishful thinking? We are having a really hard time finding an Aria to wet test which is making this harder than we'd like. Sadly, the pricing is only $600 less for the Aria in our market. Is that typical?
Hot Tub Forum
Ready to buy HS Envoy or Aria - will 2017 tubs change much?
November 01, 2016, 03:11:36 am »
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Posts: 949
Re: Ready to buy HS Envoy or Aria - will 2017 tubs change much?
Reply #1 on:
November 01, 2016, 02:17:46 pm »
I've soaked in both, Envoy does get you more size and that captains chair is nice but other than that the tubs are near identical. Only concern regarding the wireless controller is to NOT break or lose it. I don't know the replacement cost but I used to sell Hot Springs and I would be willing to guess it is well over $500 to replace, probably closer to $1,000, it also doesn't work the greatest with wet fingers, basically has 0 value to me but that doesn't mean it should to you as well, I just don't see the point of having basically an Iphone (cost of it anyway) floating around in the spa where it can get dropped/broken/etc. more marketing value than anything imo.
The price difference is very typical, when I was selling them I know the difference between and Envoy and Aria was under $1,000
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Re: Ready to buy HS Envoy or Aria - will 2017 tubs change much?
Reply #2 on:
November 01, 2016, 02:34:20 pm »
I can't speak for changes between this year and next, but my hunch is that they will largely remain the same, with maybe some mild updates (colors of shells and maybe lighting?) I think Limelight may be getting a look at this year... but I've been thinking that for the last 5 years.
I've had my Envoy for almost two years with the wireless remote, and it works great. On the positive side, it taught my little boy his colors. Haven't broken it or anything. He loves it (he is 3 years old.)
It certainly has the cool factor. One benefit that a lot of my customers have with it is the large icons and numbers. For people with terrible eye-sight, it's perfect! My grandfather is 80 and can't see anything without his glasses, which he doesn't want to wear in the hot tub because they fog up, the wireless remote solves that. Of course, this is a small group of people that this would be applicable to.
Will it work 15 years? Time will tell. I believe you'll have to replace the battery within the remote in that timeframe if you want it to work outside it's dock for any length of time (probably beyond the 5 year mark.) I believe the battery goes for about $60 to replace. If you break the remote... I believe it's about $500-$600 to replace.
As a side note, I've never sold a replacement remote yet.
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Posts: 3
Re: Ready to buy HS Envoy or Aria - will 2017 tubs change much?
Reply #3 on:
November 01, 2016, 03:20:33 pm »
Thanks all,
How does the lounger in the Aria compare to the Envoy? When I sat in it dry it felt a little tight around the left elbow. I didn't have a complaint in the wet envoy.
It sounds like I really need to find an Aria to wet test...
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Re: Ready to buy HS Envoy or Aria - will 2017 tubs change much?
Reply #4 on:
November 01, 2016, 08:13:24 pm »
We called every vendor in a 200 mile radius with no luck. Not sure where to go from here.
Junior Member
Posts: 39
Re: Ready to buy HS Envoy or Aria - will 2017 tubs change much?
Reply #5 on:
November 02, 2016, 09:59:52 am »
2 years in and my wireless remote still works perfectly. It seems quite robust and well-made. It has frozen once or twice, necessitating a hard reset by removing the battery. This is a minor PITA as it requires removal of several tiny screws which could be very easy to lose! But this is a software problem, not a hardware problem. I similarly expect to need to replace the battery at some point.
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Posts: 738
Re: Ready to buy HS Envoy or Aria - will 2017 tubs change much?
Reply #6 on:
November 02, 2016, 12:20:59 pm »
Have you tried to just hold your finger on it for 10 seconds? That resets the remote without removing the battery. Just hold your finger on any part of the screen for 10 seconds and it should go black and reset. (Has to load the screens again.)
I believe the width of the lounges are the same, but I will check for you when I get back into the store tomorrow. The biggest difference is the Envoy lounge is much more arched, where as the Aria is a bit more flat. I'd say off the top of my head, that the Aria lounge is more forgiving to those who are say... more vertically challenged. My wife is sub 5 feet, and she has trouble sitting in the lounge of the Envoy.
Junior Member
Posts: 39
Re: Ready to buy HS Envoy or Aria - will 2017 tubs change much?
Reply #7 on:
November 02, 2016, 02:22:03 pm »
Hot Tub Forum
Re: Ready to buy HS Envoy or Aria - will 2017 tubs change much?
Reply #7 on:
November 02, 2016, 02:22:03 pm »
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