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Author Topic: Can't maintain Bromine level in new caldera tub  (Read 3315 times)


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Can't maintain Bromine level in new caldera tub
« on: October 30, 2016, 10:18:18 am »

I'm in week 2 with a new tub and would appreciate any insight into water health. I have a caldera martinique (395 gallons) with an ozone system and inline spa frog bromine system.

I bought an electronic tester and have been monitoring/playing with the chemical levels for a couple of days. I'm using amerse spa care products as suggested by the dealer and came with the tub.
When I got home Thursday and tested the bromine levels were low 0.2
Ph was 7.8
Alkalinity was 87
Calcium Hardness was 134
I tried opening the bromine cartridge tab up to notch 6 and left it overnight and next morning down to zero. I used a shock/startup (1.5 oz Frog Jump Start packet) packet to bring it back up and also re-leveled the bromine cartridge back to notch 4. Within an hour the bromine level went back up to 7.8
Left this overnight and just re-tested this morning and it's the following:
Bromine: 0.0
Ph: 7.8
A: 86
CH: 134
Any tips on how to keep bromine level up? I know it should be above 0.5 with the ozone system
Thanks all

Hot Tub Forum

Can't maintain Bromine level in new caldera tub
« on: October 30, 2016, 10:18:18 am »


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Re: Can't maintain Bromine level in new caldera tub
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2016, 03:08:48 pm »
Have you tried additional shock?  Whether it be a non-chlorine shock like MPS or a chlorine based one, I would try and shock it to see if maybe your water has some issues that are eating through your bromine too fast.  I have a Marquis with the in line spa frog and went over a month on my first bromine cartridge with very little issues.  Like you, I used the startup packet and had my cartridge set to 5.  I had to turn it down to 3 to get the levels down.  Since then, it has been fine.

Also, check your cartridge to make sure the little openings are actually open and dispensing bromine.  Are you using a mineral cartridge as well?

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Can't maintain Bromine level in new caldera tub
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2016, 03:08:48 pm »


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