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Author Topic: Some Bromine and Spa Frog Questions  (Read 5675 times)


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Some Bromine and Spa Frog Questions
« on: October 18, 2016, 01:02:18 pm »
I'm about 3 weeks into my spa ownership and I am still on my initial chemicals given to me from me spa dealer.  I have a Marquis promise with the built in Spa Frog dispenser and currently using the mineral cartridge and bromine.  As I get close to needing to buy some new chemicals I have been doing tons of research for the best method of keeping my spa clean as well as minimizing my involvement once the cold weather arrives.

I am very familiar with the dichlor/bleach method described by Chem Geek on various forums.  It is similar to how I manage my pool and it has worked well for me.  However, I find that bromine has been easier on my skin vs. chlorine so I am thinking maybe I want to stick with it for now.  Yes, I know...the dichlor/bleach method in a perfect world means you are bathing in chemical free water but with winter months coming, I may not be able to get to my spa on a daily basis to balance everything.

The spa frog system so far has caused me minimal effort to keep my water clean and balanced.  Other than changing the initial setting one time, I have had to add nothing to my water.  The bromine levels have been consistent around 2ppm.  PH does seem to drop to 7.2 but that seems to be the low with it closer to 7.4 most of the time (guessing aeration helps keep it high).  So, on to my questions:

1.  Cost  - Obviously sticking with the cartridge method would be more expensive.  However, is there an easy way to refill the spa frog cartridge?  I am currently using the purple ones which I think hold a bit more and last about a month.  if these are refillable somehow, I can just buy some granulated bromine. 

2.  Mineral cartridge - Is this doing anything?  Like really doing anything or is it not needed as long as I keep my sanitizer levels right?

3.  My tub has ozone which I know is supposed to be an oxidizer (obviously) so is that why I am not requiring frequent shock treatments?

4.  As for shock - for those of you using bromine, do you use bleach/chlorine or do you go the non chlorine route?  I have tons of calcium hypochlorite powder that I use to shock my pool from time to time and figured I could use this in place of calcium additive when I drain and refill my tub.  Thoughts?


Hot Tub Forum

Some Bromine and Spa Frog Questions
« on: October 18, 2016, 01:02:18 pm »


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Re: Some Bromine and Spa Frog Questions
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2016, 02:03:23 pm »
1.) Have seen some people re-fill the SpaFrog cartridges with bromine tablets but this method doesn't seem to work as well as what comes from King Technology/SpaFrog

2.) The mineral cartridge is a natural sanitizer similar to the Nature 2.  They do work, and I even notice the water having a "softer" feel when using the mineral cartridge vs. a spa without the mineral cartridge.  It also helps keep the pH more stable.

3.) The ozone does work as an oxidizer but you will still want to use SpaShock.  With regular/heavy use, once a week shocking is usually adequate.  With light use you may be able to stretch it to ever few weeks.  Some people also shock in smaller doses after each use, but I think this is a little bit more work and can be hard on the cover if you don't let it off-gas for 20-30 mins.  Typically a non-chlorine spa shock (potassium monopersulfate) is best to use.

4.) I don't know too much about calcium hypochlorite but from what I know it's a fairly harsh chemical.  You may want to be careful with that, perhaps someone else has some input on calcium hypochlorite.


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Re: Some Bromine and Spa Frog Questions
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2016, 02:50:06 pm »

I was wondering about the refills.  If it is possible, I would try a granular bromine over tablet as it seems the factory ones come with granular.  Wonder if that would make a difference.

I bought some non-chlorine spa shock but haven't used it yet.  I will stick with that for the time being and start shocking once a week.

Still confused about the mineral cartridge...but I do agree that my skin seems way softer than when I swim in my pool.  Maybe that has something to do with it.  I am reading that the mineral cartridge supposedly reduces the amount of bromine needed to sanitize so perhaps that equates to less harsh chemicals...


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Re: Some Bromine and Spa Frog Questions
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2016, 08:42:06 pm »
I'm pretty sure granular bromine has a different chemical mix then what the spa frog bromine has in it.  I will check tomorrow and let you know for sure. Still using it every day?


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Re: Some Bromine and Spa Frog Questions
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2016, 08:58:46 am »
Almost every day.  I stopped by your store last Saturday to pick up a new frog cartridge until I figure out what I want to do long term.  I am really liking the ease of the frog system.  It's like hot tub for dummies. 


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Re: Some Bromine and Spa Frog Questions
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2016, 09:06:07 am »
I'm pretty sure granular bromine has a different chemical mix then what the spa frog bromine has in it.  I will check tomorrow and let you know for sure. Still using it every day?

You are right, the granular is definitely different.  The tablets are actually the same as the cartridge.  Weird. 

Well, I will be swapping my original one this week most likely and will play around with it to see if I can get it open. Maybe give the tablets a try and see how it works. 


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Re: Some Bromine and Spa Frog Questions
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2016, 01:04:24 pm »
Don't use calcium hypochlorite.  It will increase your hardness and is harsh.  Many owner's manuals will tell you that it voids the warranty.  Stick to MPS or dichlor for shocking. 

And yes, the mineral stick does something and is very worth it.  Silver chloride kills bacteria, just not fast enough to prevent person to person transmission of disease, which is why you still need another sanitizer, though at lower levels than without the mineral cartridge. 

You could always just get a regular bromine floater to accompany the mineral cartridge and fill it with tablets as opposed to using the inline thing. 

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Some Bromine and Spa Frog Questions
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2016, 01:04:24 pm »


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