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Author Topic: Bullfrog Jetpack Oscillator issue  (Read 3691 times)


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Bullfrog Jetpack Oscillator issue
« on: October 15, 2016, 01:40:26 pm »
Hi guys, this is my first post here so I've tried to find an answer to my questions but after an hour and a half of search i got tired.

I have a simple question. Is anyones of you experienced some issues with their jetpacks? I love my A7L a lot, the only con i can say is the water pressure could be better. I bought it like 14 months ago and one of my jetpack, the oscillator to be exact theres a jet that is not oscillating anymore. Is there something on the maintenance i missed?

I flush it every 4 months to clean it with all the proper product that my retailer recommend me to use, i got the water tested almost every 2-3 weeks, the water is nearly perfect every time. I use mineralux products. but since a couples of week my Oscillator is not working well...

I wanted to know if there something i didn't done right.

One more thing, this summer my water pump broke (they said that was the bearings) they changed it just before i get it cleaned with Mineraluxe Cleanse & Drain to get the pipes and drain cleaned, (can it be the reason why my jetpack is not working correctly?) 

Thx for helping me out!

Hot Tub Forum

Bullfrog Jetpack Oscillator issue
« on: October 15, 2016, 01:40:26 pm »


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Re: Bullfrog Jetpack Oscillator issue
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2016, 05:35:55 pm »
call your dealer, it's under warranty so they'll take care of it by most likely replacing it with a new JetPak, there are top notch out at the factory so again your local dealer should have no issues sourcing a warranty replacement Oscillator for you assuming this isn't a blatantly obvious water-care issue...."the water is nearly perfect every-time" as you stated doesn't tell us anything regarding how "perfect" the water is, going to need results from water testing for us to determine that.  Good Luck!
« Last Edit: October 15, 2016, 05:37:55 pm by BullFrogSpasMN »

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Bullfrog Jetpack Oscillator issue
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2016, 05:35:55 pm »


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