This is to say thanks for all the information I have learned from this site and thanks to you all for providing it.
This was not an easy process by any means. As fun as it was to wet test 9 tubs in one day. I don't recommend it. Also take pen and paper with you for notes.
Any of our top 3 choices would do (Optima/J365 and the Artesian Emerald). Again when we looked at the whole package (to include dealer), the Sundance line made the top of our list.
So I put down my deposit on an Optima and have up to 1 year to take delivery with no change in price. ($7950 OTD). This could be the longest 365 days of my life!

No it wont, Im married with children!!

When I asked him about his offer, he stated he wanted my business and would do what he needed to to get it. He basical apologized for the higher price the second time. He asked questions of me, that in reality were really simple ones but none of the others bothered to ask. So overall the deal was cinched on his effort and the price lock was the icing on the cake.
If you don't learn anything else from this site, which would be impossible to do, remember this -- the best item in the world, no matter how bad you want it, won't be bought from a lousy salesperson.

So until I get my tub, I'll have to envy all of you.
