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Author Topic: Marquis Reward and HS Envoy?  (Read 2556 times)


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Marquis Reward and HS Envoy?
« on: July 31, 2004, 01:24:03 am »
Some questions on the Marquis and HS spas. Both great spas BTW.

Someone mentioned that Marquis spas have 'sit on skimmers'. Did I read that wrong? If not, what is it?

Also, can anyone let me know if the water that gets sucked into the intakes at the bottom of the tub go directly through the jets or through the filter? Is it no bypass filtration?

Since the ozonator works when the pumps are on, is it also operating when your in it?

Is it the only US listed ozone system in the world?

Oh also, my dealer said Marquis did away with the 24/7 pump since its the main thing that breaks down and noted that HS will phase them out in the next year too. The Hot Springs dealer said no way that would happen. Anyone care to comment?

As you can see I'm in my final decision between a Reward and HS Envoy, hoping to buy the spa this weekend. Wish I had some of you dealers around here to work with!

Did you read my post about how the HS dealer timed me today during the wet test and after about 7 minutes said, "Last call." I had money in my pocket and was ready to buy...but I changed my clothes and left instead.

No Envoy on the floor so the tub I tested was a Vista. I loved the tub though as much as I could determine in under 7 minutes with no help on how the diverters operate... so anyway I'm having a tough decision.

It has not been easy, but from what I read here, I will forget all about that when I'm soaking under the stars!

Thanks for all your help, IonHeaven

Hot Tub Forum

Marquis Reward and HS Envoy?
« on: July 31, 2004, 01:24:03 am »


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