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Author Topic: Bypass the circulator pump relay on a Jacuzzi 375?  (Read 5719 times)


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Bypass the circulator pump relay on a Jacuzzi 375?
« on: September 26, 2016, 06:50:57 am »
So I have a Jacuzzi brand hot tub (think it is a 375) that has a small circulation pump and two main pumps. i have had to solder the relay twice and have been on many boards and have found this to be a common issue with these tubs. I get the flow error and find that yup, the pump is not running. It is a new pump and I tested it with direct 240 connect and it does run. Question is since it does run constantly (actual designed to do so) can I just go straight to the 240 GFI feed that comes into the tub so that when the breaker is on it is running? It seems to me the relay is just a mute point unless you are going to set the unit to run on cycles which I do not. I like the constant circulation. The other pumps run fine, I just don't have heat because the circulation pump is not running, which in turn keeps the heater off.

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Bypass the circulator pump relay on a Jacuzzi 375?
« on: September 26, 2016, 06:50:57 am »


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Re: Bypass the circulator pump relay on a Jacuzzi 375?
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2016, 11:38:09 am »
No.  If the circulation pump is running when it is not supposed to, you will get an error message and the breaker will need to be reset.  Not sure about your spa, but with the Sundance spas (basically the same circuit boards) the board will check to make sure there is no flow before turning the circulation pump relay on.  If it detects flow, you won't be able to control any of the functions of the spa and it will not heat.


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Re: Bypass the circulator pump relay on a Jacuzzi 375?
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2016, 06:04:02 pm »
So I have a Jacuzzi brand hot tub (think it is a 375) that has a small circulation pump and two main pumps. i have had to solder the relay twice and have been on many boards and have found this to be a common issue with these tubs. I get the flow error and find that yup, the pump is not running. It is a new pump and I tested it with direct 240 connect and it does run. Question is since it does run constantly (actual designed to do so) can I just go straight to the 240 GFI feed that comes into the tub so that when the breaker is on it is running? It seems to me the relay is just a mute point unless you are going to set the unit to run on cycles which I do not. I like the constant circulation. The other pumps run fine, I just don't have heat because the circulation pump is not running, which in turn keeps the heater off.

The flow sensor triggers the heat relay. But your trying to bypass the circ pump relay which is triggered by the programming on the board. Theoretically yes, if you bypass the relay for the circ pump that should power the pump and trigger the heater relay. I think? Is a new board that expensive, maybe rebuilt board? 

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Bypass the circulator pump relay on a Jacuzzi 375?
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2016, 06:04:02 pm »


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