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Topic: HS Grandee and HP (Read 2787 times)
HS Grandee and HP
July 30, 2004, 06:08:20 am »
Having narrowed our search down to two companies, Hotsprings (Originally Envoy) and Coleman (470/471) we did our wet test last night--thank you forum people for insisting on the wet test. I loved the HS jets/etc. but the lounge was too long for me and I had the float problem--much better for my husband but we decided we would be better off with more seats. We then changed our direction toward the Vanguard or Grandee models. We really felt the Vanguard was too small but loved the feel of the Grandee. It is currently the number one choice but in our confused zeal last night, I did not notice the jet pump size until reading the materials at home last night. This is a big ol spa and instead of being labeled a high performance spa, it is labeled an energy efficient model. That is great but I am concerned about the jet size for this 500 gallon model. The specifications say--Wavemaster 7000, 1.65 HP Continuous Duty, 3.5 HP Breakdown Torque each pump. Not that I even know what that means but the numbers are smaller than on the Vista and Envoy models and I just want to make sure we have enough power for this spa.
Also, do all dealers charge different prices for the different colors in the HS line? I find this very annoying as the color I want, Pearl, is the most expensive! Any other Grandee comments would be appreciated.
We really like the Coleman--much better lounger and price--but in my mind, can't really compare with the jets on the HS. Also, not much foot action on the Coleman which is my requirement! I'm pretty stupid so don't get too technical on the HP question!
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HS Grandee and HP
July 30, 2004, 06:08:20 am »
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Posts: 1066
Re: HS Grandee and HP
Reply #1 on:
July 30, 2004, 09:14:54 am »
Don’t worry about horsepower when you are buying a spa, that is going to confuse you even more. If you have narrowed your choice to the Grandee, I would not worry too much about the power of the jets. Four of the seats will be comparable to the Envoy in jet pressure. In the Grandee, the moto-massages, soothing-seven, and the hydro-massage jets (they are the whirly jets) will all have the same pressure as the Envoy did. That means for four of the six seats in the Grandee will feel the same as the Envoy. In the Grandee, the other two seats that use the “jet-clustering system” are going to feel completely different than any of the seats in the Envoy. It will be difficult for me to explain the pressure in those seats, while comparing it to the Envoy. However, the pressure will be fine.
In regards to your color question, the pearl color is the most expensive (to dealers) in the Hotspring arsenal, but it is because of the light that is included in the pearl colors versus the jade, spa blue, or copper color spas. The Endurol finish is the least expensive, but it does not have the water feature that the other four color finishes offer, but it does have the light. Most dealers do not pass the added cost to the consumers, but some do. I would say there is some wiggle room for you to negotiate. Tell the dealer you want to pay the Jade color price. He will take the deal.
Chris H
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Posts: 517
HS Grandee Owner; Hot Tub Geek
Re: HS Grandee and HP
Reply #2 on:
July 30, 2004, 09:51:19 am »
I own a 2003 grandee and have no problem with jet pressure.
When rating the jets you need to consider gallons per minute coming out of the jet, which is a function of the number of pumps, the number of jets, and the efficiency of the plumbing. That might explain why a less powerful pump produces a very satisfactory and relaxing jet massage. The smaller pumps also save you some $$.
Some other models we tried, most notably the optima, practically flayed the skin off my wife's back. We weren't going to pay for jets that we would have to throttle back for the lifetime of the hot tub. Even with the gentler grandee we usually keep all jets running (which runs everyone at about 50%) and that is *perfect* for us. If we use the diverter to focus on a specific jet configuration we usually then have to go back to those jets and turn them down a little bit.
If the jets and massage are terrific for you during your wet test then they are terrific for you during your wet test and the experience will be just as good, if not better, once you own it!
Some threads on here talk about how the pearl finish scratches easily. Others say scratches are easy to buff out. We didn't like the finish because it was easier to slip on and went with the white "textured" shell. After you've been in the hot tub for 3 hours and killed a bottle of wine you need all of the help you can get!
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Re: HS Grandee and HP
Reply #3 on:
July 30, 2004, 10:14:33 am »
As Chris stated I would not worry about the HP from the Grandee. You will fond that you have mor ethan enough pressure coming out of all your jets. You can NOT go wrong with the Grandee. You wil love the size, the feel, the quietness, and the ease of operation with this spa. I have owned the Landmark for a year and a half which is basically the same spa as the Grandee with a little different seating configuration(1 lounger, 2 'recliners'). You will love owning a HotSpring spa!!!
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Re: HS Grandee and HP
Reply #3 on:
July 30, 2004, 10:14:33 am »
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