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Author Topic: Jacuzzi coming tomorrow  (Read 4910 times)


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Jacuzzi coming tomorrow
« on: September 14, 2016, 08:58:33 pm »
Woo hoo, am taking official delivery of the new tub tomorrow. J-335 just in time for the cool fall weather and nightly soaks. With this post comes general questions and yes involves electricity.

So the tub comes factory set for 50A and my setup is a 60 amp breaker with wires that are only rated for 55 amps. The tub at 60A will draw 45A. In order to make the change in the owners manual it states that I have to change jumper settings. I have done so much searching and can't seem to find the answer on how easy it is to modify the jumper. I don't think it would be a big issue to run it off 50 amps because I honestly like quiet soaks most times and will probably rarely want the pumps on high. I guess I just don't want circuit board damage. I had the wires inspected and was told they were fine, so I am just going to connect the tub myself.

So does anyone here have experience with modifying the jumper settings or will 50A be acceptable using a 60 A breaker. They say its a simple procedure but I just want to confirm it. 

Hot Tub Forum

Jacuzzi coming tomorrow
« on: September 14, 2016, 08:58:33 pm »


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Re: Jacuzzi coming tomorrow
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2016, 11:39:32 am »
It's a simple task that your dealer's crew should handle easily for you at or before delivery.


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Re: Jacuzzi coming tomorrow
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2016, 01:02:33 pm »
Amen to that. I was looking at the old manual on here. The crew did set up that and was super simple. Also they told me the wires were good and everything is good and all i need to do is re-connect the wires. I am so relieved that everything is going to work out and I am going to save 1000 or so on electrical installation.


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Re: Jacuzzi coming tomorrow
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2016, 01:20:51 pm »
Enjoy your new Jacuzzi J-335 !  Our crew just came back from delivering the same Jacuzzi hot tub.


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Re: Jacuzzi coming tomorrow
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2016, 05:17:03 pm »
It may have been mine. I see your profile is Columbus OH. I live in Newark.


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Re: Jacuzzi coming tomorrow
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2016, 08:25:15 pm »
From what I understand the 50vs60 amp feature allows the heater to function while pumps are on. And here in Ohio that was a must for me because I plan to use it all winter. Also I have a j355 and it has a lounger. The one pump basically only functions that side of the spa, and the other pump works for the other side. So if I had anyone else in the tub both pumps would need to run and then that goes back to wanting the heater to work.


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Re: Jacuzzi coming tomorrow
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2016, 07:20:04 am »
From what I understand the 50vs60 amp feature allows the heater to function while pumps are on. And here in Ohio that was a must for me because I plan to use it all winter. Also I have a j355 and it has a lounger. The one pump basically only functions that side of the spa, and the other pump works for the other side. So if I had anyone else in the tub both pumps would need to run and then that goes back to wanting the heater to work.

Yep, I was just not sure about damaging the board. I was afraid to do damage by having a 60 amp breaker and running a 50 amp setup. But now I understand it all. And the J-335 has little switches that IMO is easier than working jumper settings. Was a very very simple change.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Jacuzzi coming tomorrow
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2016, 07:20:04 am »


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