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Author Topic: Question for dealers who do big shows (and small shows)  (Read 2547 times)

The Wizard of Spas

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Question for dealers who do big shows (and small shows)
« on: September 21, 2016, 11:14:04 am »
This is a question that may be uncomfortable to answer and may cause people to not answer.  You can pm me or not answer at all.  I am hoping that the anonymity of this forum will help me better supply customers with the right product at the right price.

I've been in the game for about 15yrs.  Im still only 35 so though I have experience I still don't have as much as most in this industry.  Comparing then to now is always folly but I am trying to rework our approach to spa shows, tent sales, etc, to match how the industry is shaped today.

In the past, hot tubs in general were way cheaper than they are now.  I'd venture to say in a very unscientific manner that even with adding in inflation, hot tubs are costlier in general than ever before.  (please feel free to debunk anything I say- I am here asking and trying to learn from other dealers and professionals).

My question:  What percent are you trying to make on units when doing special home shows, tent sales, etc?  I understand that it varies depending on price points, etc, of the various brands.  It also depends on what else is thrown in on the sale. 

What I have been doing is adding steps and cover lift, along with some standard features such as delivery, ozone, chem kit and LED.  I've tried to keep most mark-ups at 35 to 40%, save for maybe on price-point "leader" spa.  We will have road agents come in and sell for us but we keep their tactics strictly in line with our quality control and do not let them lie/cheat/steal.  They're trustworthy guys and we've kept the same 2-3 people for many, many years now. 

But I am not meeting the price points I like when factoring their costs (airfare, hotel, commission bump, etc) to my tubs.  Thus- Do I need to cut them out of the equation, or readjust my pricing and %?

Any feedback would be nice.  I am fairly certain that nobody who contributes to this forum regularly are in my market so Im fairly sure I am not going to be shooting myself in the foot.  However, some of you may be in the same markets so I get it if you don't want to respond. 

Thanks in advance...

Hot Tub Forum

Question for dealers who do big shows (and small shows)
« on: September 21, 2016, 11:14:04 am »


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Re: Question for dealers who do big shows (and small shows)
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2016, 05:47:38 pm »
A 6000.00 dollar tub purchase would fetch upwards of 8000.00 to cover all "other" expenses. Seems fair to me, what with half being used for labor and extras. I like to work on higher margins but I am by myself with very little overhead. Gives me good flexibility to secure future business.

But my product is a lot different than yours. I sell myself/knowledge and my tools/equipment. And the safe, efficient way I use them.

Ooops, marketing. Sorry.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Question for dealers who do big shows (and small shows)
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2016, 05:47:38 pm »


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