Since the last time we filled the tub a few months ago, we've noticed a small bit of water wetting the concrete pad near the access panel of my 2.5 year old HS Envoy. The leak doesn't appear to be very severe - it didn't change the depth of the tub much more than maybe an inch or less over the last few months.
That said, when I emptied it today I popped the panel and did indeed see evidence of a puddle of water inside the equipment bay. I checked all connections that I could reach and none were visibly wet. There is a unit sort of in the front of the bay that shows evidence of some kind of corrosion or something, generating some white paste-like substance. This is near where the water puddle is, and is probably being generated by the tub water contacting the feet that mount this unit to the equipment bay.
I'm attaching a picture with the unit circled, and an arrow pointing to where the water seems to pool. It appears to puddle underneath this unit, and the two hoses at the top don't seem to be leaking. Perhaps it is a leak on the bottom of this thing? No clue what it is, I'm just a simple caveman.
Any ideas? I might be able to unscrew the unit from the feet that attach it and take a look, but I'm a lay person and don't want to make things worse. Assuming this isn't something I should goof around with, should I leave the tub empty before contacting my reseller?
Any advice from the experts would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
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