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Author Topic: Alkalinity - Help  (Read 5454 times)


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Alkalinity - Help
« on: September 03, 2016, 07:44:51 am »
Hi, if you Alkalinity reading is low you need to get something to boost the level? The information I was given stated that the alkaline level must be set first before you can balance your PH. If this is true why isn't Alkaline booster included in most hot tub chemical kits? The pack that bought comes with a chemical to reduce it but not increase it. Do most people find the alkaline level at a perfect state and it's only the minority (like myself) that have a low reading? Also  I can't seem to get the TAYLOR K-2006 test kit in the UK. Is there an alternative that is as good? I don't want to waste money on expensive kits that contain lots of things that are never going to be used. Thanks.

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Alkalinity - Help
« on: September 03, 2016, 07:44:51 am »


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Re: Alkalinity - Help
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2016, 08:44:00 pm »
Where is your PH? Adjusting your ALK can also move your PH. So in order to help you will will need to know where your PH is starting at. Baking soda can easily raise ALK but will also affect your PH. I have been taught to adjust them both from the start.


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Re: Alkalinity - Help
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2016, 07:03:25 am »
Hi, many thanks for responding. The PH is low, according to the last test strip it's about 6.2 although I've been adding ph increaser at 10g increments (about 70g so far). It hasn't really changed at all yet which is strange (am I not adding enough)? The total alkalinity has changed this morning from low to between ok and high (see the link below) and the calcium hardness is low but I was told not to bother trying to change this.
Thanks for you help with this.


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Re: Alkalinity - Help
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2016, 07:13:11 pm »
Hi, many thanks for responding. The PH is low, according to the last test strip it's about 6.2 although I've been adding ph increaser at 10g increments (about 70g so far). It hasn't really changed at all yet which is strange (am I not adding enough)? The total alkalinity has changed this morning from low to between ok and high (see the link below) and the calcium hardness is low but I was told not to bother trying to change this.
Thanks for you help with this.

Stop messing with it (close enough) and get a reagent test kit. Use soda ash to adjust PH up with less effect on TA and use baking soda to adjust TA up with less effect on PH.


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Re: Alkalinity - Help
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2016, 06:16:23 am »
Hi, I got a test kit that includes Sodium Carbonate (PH-plus), is this different to Soda Ash? If so is this the stuff to get:- http://tinyurl.com/h25oypy
Also, is this the type of test kit you mean:- http://tinyurl.com/he448fd


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Re: Alkalinity - Help
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2016, 09:04:38 am »
Regular baking soda will raise both your alkalinity and PH.  It's cheaper than Alkalinity up.  And Borax (laundry booster by 20 mule team) is basically the same as soda ash and is generally cheaper. That will raise PH but not alkalinity.  Aeration will also raise your PH.

The kit mentioned above is great although I use the TFTestkits TF-100.  Don't keep the kits for longer than 2 years (I replace mine every year).

The whole idea of getting your alkalinity in line is that is reduces amount of chemicals needed to maintain your PH.  It basically buffers your PH levels to make them more stable.


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Re: Alkalinity - Help
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2016, 12:09:33 pm »
No this is the one you want.  https://jet.com/product/detail/be2a3252783b42ed974a61ad3ad0d8b1?jcmp=pla:ggl:cwin_home_garden_a2:pool_spa_pool_spa_accessories_a2_other:na:PLA_348543660_24223293900_pla-183351108540:na:na:na:2&code=PLA15&ds_c=cwin_home_garden_a2&ds_cid=&ds_ag=pool_spa_pool_spa_accessories_a2_other&product_id=be2a3252783b42ed974a61ad3ad0d8b1&product_partition_id=183351108540&gclid=Cj0KEQjw0rm-BRCn85bm8uS-zK0BEiQAHo4vrF_55JTcg70gwBsIAudNKfufr6OBvgmkXTKJVlSAQ_YaAulg8P8HAQ&gclsrc=aw.ds

And this is the PH up. If that is what you need. http://rhtubs.com/product/all-clear-soda-ash/
Hi, the first link is opens up the jet.com website but the page is blank, after trying to navigate through to the hot tub supplies it just won't work, tried a few different browsers and devices and still no joy. I'm not sure I can order these things in UK but I'll try, are there any UK based people on the forum that can recommend a supplier?


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Re: Alkalinity - Help
« Reply #8 on: January 17, 2017, 03:12:38 pm »
HELP NEEDED. My PH is in range but my Alkalinity is high. How can I get that down? My Calcium is a little out of range as well. Does that effect the Alkalinity?


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Re: Alkalinity - Help
« Reply #9 on: January 18, 2017, 10:29:41 am »
How high is it?  To bring alkalinity down you need to use some type of dry acid (sodium bisulfate) or muriatic acid.  Dry acid (alkalinity down) is seen as easier to handle but if you are not a total klutz, you can use muriatic acid which is sold at home depot or lowes in the paint section.  wear gloves and measure by the ounce and pur in slowly with jets on.  This will bring your alkalinity down and should really lower your PH much.

As for calcium, the only way I know how to reduce it is drain and refill.  Or do a partial drain and refill.  I think there are some products that will try and deal with high calcium but I don't think it actually removes it and can be expensive. 

The Wizard of Spas

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Re: Alkalinity - Help
« Reply #10 on: January 18, 2017, 11:36:56 am »
HELP NEEDED. My PH is in range but my Alkalinity is high. How can I get that down? My Calcium is a little out of range as well. Does that effect the Alkalinity?

Whether you use dry or liquid reducer, its most effective if added to the water and then the water stays calm.  That goes against conventional wisdom but by leaving the water calm and undisturbed you get better results when using pH/Alkalinity reducing agents.  Thus, it is why I prefer the dry vs the liquid.

Calcium, in my vast experience with in ground pools, swim spas and hot tubs, tends to only effect the concrete.  If you do not have a concrete hot tub I wouldn't bother.  Yes- You can balance it and all would be well.  But I have never seen tangible ramifications of unbalanced calcium in non-concrete pools/spas.

I understand the science behind it.  But I also see the results in front of me.  It seems that this industry has to find new ways to generate needs for dealers to purchase chemicals and thus teach customers about new aspects of water chemistry, which drives over the counter sales. 

Thus you see more litmus pads added to test strips, helping generate more *needs* for more products to purchase.  I have noticed this more since salt systems took a huge bite out of the industry.  And again- to be fair- the science works on the things they are pushing.  But the science is always presented in a way that benefits the chemical manufacturer.

Consider:  Baking Soda usually is shown to contain Sodium Bicarbonate (at least on packages around where I live).  But on my pool products it is labeled Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate.  That is on purpose.  You can figure out why.

Long-winded answer brought back into frame:  Use a reducing agent to drop your alk (you'll possibly see a drop in your pH as well), and keep your eye on the pH and sanitizer as well.  Everything else is almost a shell game. 

EDIT:  Spelling
« Last Edit: January 18, 2017, 11:39:34 am by The Wizard of Spas »

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Alkalinity - Help
« Reply #10 on: January 18, 2017, 11:36:56 am »


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