This is suppose to supplement the Post by Buckeye from the 3 weeks ago. Our wet test came alot sooner than planned but we are not unhappy we did it. If there ever is a job opening for a Hot Tub Wet Tester, I hope I get it. What a way to spend a day!!!

We (the wife and I plus 2 of our kids - if anybody wants them let me know, LOL) wet tested the Optima, Bahia, J-365, Artesians' Emerald and Piper Glen, and the Vantage and Cygnus 2009 from Emerald Spas.
We ran out of time to test some others. Work just gets in the way sometimes.

Just like Buckeye stated and I agree with him on the Sundance and the Jacuzzi. The J-365 seems to be a wonderful tub, I had no major concerns, it felt great and I would have no problem if that is what I end up with.
We then tried the Artesians. The Piper Glen was very, very nice. Controls laid out logically. Even with 5 pumps (basically each corner seat has its own pump), you weren't blown out of the seats. I just felt it was overkill.
The Artesian Emerald IMO is a better value than the Piper Glen. The seats were just as comfortable. In fact we liked them better than the Jacuzzi. The one feature we really liked was the lighted footwell. The lights were on the footdome pointing upwards. A big plus going into the tub at night. Even with less jets than the Piper Glen, the effects on you were equally as good.
I would have liked to have tried the Huron Bay or the Opal, but none were available.
Overall so far the Emerald would win over the Jacuzzi.
We tried CalSpas, just because we could and the kids wanted to. Let,s just say, we were not impressed.

The next stop was Emerald Spas. We liked them 100% more than CalSpas. We tried their Vantage model (top of the line). The captains chair was awesome, but didn't care for the head support in the lounger. Water pressure and jet adjustments/placements were good.
We then tried the Cygnus 2009. All seats were comfortable. Didn't care for the footdome, 1) the person using the seat to the left of the captains chair had an awkward foot position, 2) I feel this had more to do with the dark color shell and were it was physically located more than anything else. We couldn't tell footwell depth very well and with the footdome being the design it was, one tended to step on the dome, thinking they were on the bottom, and suddenly sliding the last little bit. Boy that's an eye opener.

Also their so called waterfall lacked pressure.
Overall, Emeralds appear to be quality spas. The towel warmer compartment is pretty nice and does a good job. A stereo is available if you want it. The warranty is in-line with other makers. They also offer octagon and one with a notched corner for those interested. Personally if I had to rate them, I feel they would be number 7 or 8 out of the top 10.
We then went to the Sundance/Sweetwater dealer.
We tried the Bahia and enjoyed it just as much as the J-365. The only real concern was the footwell didn't seem deep enough as compared to the J-365, but we are all longed legged people. The Bahia is a very capable spa that is overall at least equal to the J-365.
After reading all the reviews about the Optima, we got to wet test one. Kind of like going to the Ferrari showroom, even if you never sit in it, you know you want one in your driveway. I can tell you after sitting in it, the comments the other individuals made, are 100% correct. - PERIOD - This made the top of the list. We really liked how easy it was to swap the jets around.
Then other benefits that CalicoskiesNC stated are very accurate. (IMO)
The only complaints I have are 1) the diverters seem noisier then others when in the mid position, 2) LED lighting would be nice, but I would prefer an additional light in the tub itself such as Artesians Emerald has, and 3) some of the controls need to be repositioned, not logically placed. (IMO)
The Sundance dealer first offered me an Optima,with cover,lifter,steps,delivery,installation,start-up kit and $50 worth of chemicals, plus a 1 year price lock, for $7500 with at least $500 down. I had to decide by the end of July.
This was a couple days ago when we were just starting this process. After wet testing he offered the same for $7800 when he found out what the Artesian Emerald was listed for.
Seems like a very good deal. Since we wouldn't be ready for a hottub till spring 05. My only problem is since I work for an airline, I might be out of job soon.
Any thought,