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Author Topic: HS Relay vs Bahama Springs Nassau Royale - NOW HS Relay vs Jacuzzi 335/345  (Read 4962 times)


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See new post- now considering Jacuzzi-- any feedback appreciated. Thanks!!

Hi, new here :) We're looking at getting a hot tub, 5-6 person with lounger, no more than 82" square, around the $5k-$8k range. I think we have it narrowed down to the HS Relay or the Bahama Springs Nassau Royale. Initially leaning towards the Royale, but can't find anything on it. Is Bahama Springs not very reputable? We went in not knowing much about hot tubs, but I've tried to do lots of research.

-The insulation of the Relay seems appealing, more efficient (claims)
-It looks like the Royale comes with Ozone purification, but I haven't yet asked the cost to add it to the Relay, so it may not be a deciding factor
-The Royale has circulation pump as optional feature; I can't find anything on this for the Relay
-The warranty on the Royale seems to be much better in terms of years

The cost for the Royale ("sale") is $7250 including cover (standard), delivery and chem kit. The Relay is $6500 including cover, delivery and chem kit. From some previous forum topics, although from different years, it doesn't seem like the Relay is a great deal.

I guess this ended up going in a few different directions. Any advise/feedback is appreciated. Thanks!
« Last Edit: August 22, 2016, 09:07:28 pm by rj1284 »

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Re: HS Relay vs Bahama Springs Nassau Royale
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2016, 11:57:00 am »
Bahama spas is Dynasty spas. They are not in the same class as hot springs.


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Re: HS Relay vs Bahama Springs Nassau Royale
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2016, 02:06:53 pm »
The going rate on a Relay is just about $6,500.  The Hot Spot is made by a better manufacturer, IMO.  Where are you located?


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Re: HS Relay vs Bahama Springs Nassau Royale
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2016, 03:27:33 pm »
Thanks we're in SE WI. After spending some time on the forum last night we went to a different dealer today to look at the Jacuzzi 335/345. Any input on that compared to the Relay? It seems a notch up perhaps, and has a better warranty. Seems to have good filtration and has an ozonator. Also, they only have the 345 on floor, so my husband can't test the lounger, anyone around the 6'3" size used the 335 lounger that can speak to the size/comfort?  We were quoted $7400 (50% down and 6 month financing) with delivery, steps, cover,  cover lifter, backyard set up, and chemical kit). Is that reasonable?


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We just wet tested a j-355,   It has the lounger and I an 6'5".  I felt comfortable int eh lounger but personally did not like the way the other seats felt other than the seat directly to the right of said lounger.    My wife, 5'2" couldn't get comfortable in any seat.   

Jacuzzi Jim

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 Ok for one, you can't compare the J-335/J-345 to the HS relay, 2 totally different spas and series, if you want to compare apples to apples look at the J-235 or J-245.  Do your research on warranty and what they offer spec wise between the two. 


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Thanks for those that chimed in. We went with the Jacuzzi J-345 and can't wait to get it next week. We have a patio that has a pitch for drainage (slightly more than regular I think). We've heard that roofing shingles is a great way to level the hot tub, are there any other recommendations? Thanks!

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