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Author Topic: Strong Spas ? Dynasty Spas ? Has Master Spas quality improved ??  (Read 15542 times)


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Hello ,., new to this forum and have never owned a spa....
Looked at Strong Spas and Dynasty yesterday
They are both very nice,..
How energy efficient are Strong  ???
Went and looked at Master this weekend,., nice tub, nice price ,.. Any thoughts ??
All advice will be appreciated and Thank you in advance for your help !

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Re: Strong Spas ? Dynasty Spas ? Has Master Spas quality improved ??
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2016, 02:07:11 pm »
Any other tubs in the area that you can look at?  Dynasty and Master both make my list of tubs I would never buy and Strong is close to that as well.  Master are not energy efficiant at all and Dynasty at least from what I've seen are known to be leakers. 


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Re: Strong Spas ? Dynasty Spas ? Has Master Spas quality improved ??
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2016, 04:24:34 pm »
Hottubguy,.  Thank you for the reply..
Why wouldn't you pick a Strong Spa ?   I can't seem to find much info on them . 
As for dealers near me, there's Hot springs , Arctic and Bullfrog ,.. Maybe a few others as well.


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Re: Strong Spas ? Dynasty Spas ? Has Master Spas quality improved ??
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2016, 04:51:18 pm »
What other brands are in your area to compare those 3 to?


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Re: Strong Spas ? Dynasty Spas ? Has Master Spas quality improved ??
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2016, 05:53:38 pm »
Hello ,., new to this forum and have never owned a spa....
Looked at Strong Spas and Dynasty yesterday
They are both very nice,..
How energy efficient are Strong  ???
Went and looked at Master this weekend,., nice tub, nice price ,.. Any thoughts ??
All advice will be appreciated and Thank you in advance for your help !

Be careful, you may be commenting on it being "nice" based on appearance. Master has a poor reputation here but its not because people have issues with how their spas look. Spa pros and spa owners who comment on this site will tell you that how the spa operates and how well its made will be the keys to how satisfied you are over time, not just how nice it looks on the showroom floor.
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Re: Strong Spas ? Dynasty Spas ? Has Master Spas quality improved ??
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2016, 10:04:35 pm »
Hottubguy,.  Thank you for the reply..
Why wouldn't you pick a Strong Spa ?   I can't seem to find much info on them . 
As for dealers near me, there's Hot springs , Arctic and Bullfrog ,.. Maybe a few others as well.

Because there are a lot of tubs that are more energy efficient, more therapeutic and will last a lot longer. Hot springs, Arctic and bullfrog are all much better designed. There Titan spa cover is a joke as well. The hinges break quite frequently and aren't very energy efficient. Wet test them and you will see the difference

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Re: Strong Spas ? Dynasty Spas ? Has Master Spas quality improved ??
« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2016, 10:53:16 am »
The "efficiency" that most brands market are just putting a dollar sign on something they've always done.  I really, in all honesty, I haven't seen much change in the industry for efficiency but I have seen a ton of brands market "efficiency" to capitalize on the movement.

I have an employee who was Strong Spas' lead tech support agent at the factory for 4 years who works for me.  He would not recommend Strong Spas (had a chance to work for a local dealer of theirs in town here and declined) and chose to work for us as we have several brands (including a roto-mold) that he preferred instead of Strong. 

I think you should do more research on what you want, what physical tub feels good to sit in, what dealers are reputable and have had their brands for a while, and look at everything you can in the market before you circle in on a brand/unit.  If you don't know what you want, that is fine.  But by doing that you can at least figure out what you don't want and see what is left over.

I hope this helps.  Good luck moving forward.


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Re: Strong Spas ? Dynasty Spas ? Has Master Spas quality improved ??
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2016, 12:29:30 pm »
Guys,.. Thank you ! for your input so far,... Please keep em coming
As for Strong Spas,.. My common sense tells me they aren't as  efficient as they claim  due to zero insulation on the tub ,... If they would add insulation along with their design , then I think they might have something. 
Anyone have experience with Arctic Spas??
Oh and what about Bullfrog ??


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Re: Strong Spas ? Dynasty Spas ? Has Master Spas quality improved ??
« Reply #8 on: August 10, 2016, 12:38:44 pm »
Guys,.. Thank you ! for your input so far,... Please keep em coming
As for Strong Spas,.. My common sense tells me they aren't as  efficient as they claim  due to zero insulation on the tub ,... If they would add insulation along with their design , then I think they might have something. 
Anyone have experience with Arctic Spas??
Oh and what about Bullfrog ??

There are a lot of good options out there depending on where you live (artesian, Arctic, Bullfrog, Caldera, D1, Hot Spring, Marquis, Hot Springs, Jacuzzi and Sundance are some of the most respected in the industry and most commonly discussed here). The general idea is to do a search on their websites  by using their dealer locator to see who is local to you. Then visit maybe 5 or so if you have that many options and from there hopefully you'll find maybe 3 where you like the dealer and find a model that fits what you're looking for so you can set up a wet test on each to see which is best for you in the end.
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Re: Strong Spas ? Dynasty Spas ? Has Master Spas quality improved ??
« Reply #9 on: August 10, 2016, 01:37:03 pm »
I concur with all of the above.  Master Spas are very inefficient and have the cheapest, flimsiest cabinet in the industry.  Their jets are super weak on their entry and even mid level spas.  Also, the factory sanctions dishonest sales tactics.

Strong Spas are a bit better but not much, as noted above.  I just can't figure out how these companies can say that less insulation somehow makes them more efficient than spas with significantly more insulation.

You mentioned Hot Spring, Arctic, and Bullfrog.  Those are 3 fantastic brands with great reputations.  I would definitely look at them.


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Re: Strong Spas ? Dynasty Spas ? Has Master Spas quality improved ??
« Reply #10 on: August 20, 2016, 05:07:55 pm »
I can't speak about previous issues with MasterSpa, but we bought ours about a year and a half ago and have had no issues. We bought the legend series. The jets are the most therapeutic of all that we wet tested, the filtration system keeps the tub crystal clear, and the insulation keeps our energy costs at about $30 in the summer to about $55 a month in the winter. We bought from a local dealer and their service has been great.  We had one issue with the ozonator and they were out the next day to replace it. I obviously can't speak for all dealers and their sales practices, but ours was honest and easy to work with.  The only issue we haven't been happy about is the POS wifi module from balboa, but I can't blame masterspa for that. I will say that I would never buy any product like this from a traveling show. I want to see the local facility and buy from them.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2016, 05:30:48 pm by dave48103 »


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Re: Strong Spas ? Dynasty Spas ? Has Master Spas quality improved ??
« Reply #11 on: August 24, 2016, 04:16:20 pm »
$55/ month is pretty high compared to other more efficient spas like Bullfrog, Hot Spring, Jacuzzi, Artesian, D1, etc.  Where do you live?


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Re: Strong Spas ? Dynasty Spas ? Has Master Spas quality improved ??
« Reply #12 on: August 24, 2016, 08:32:38 pm »
$55/ month is pretty high compared to other more efficient spas like Bullfrog, Hot Spring, Jacuzzi, Artesian, D1, etc.  Where do you live?

For efficiency I would only put D1 with Hot Springs, small circ pump, full foam models. I would not put BF, Jacuzzi or Artesian against them for cost to operate. And in northern MN even HS and D1 can easily do 55 a month in winter and more. But they can get a lot lower than 30 in summer. Use is the deciding factor here. 5-10-20 bucks a month equals 1000 bucks in 10 years. If the purchase price is a couple thousand cheaper?????


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Re: Strong Spas ? Dynasty Spas ? Has Master Spas quality improved ??
« Reply #13 on: August 25, 2016, 07:45:50 am »
Hello ,., new to this forum and have never owned a spa....
Looked at Strong Spas and Dynasty yesterday
They are both very nice,..
How energy efficient are Strong  ???
Went and looked at Master this weekend,., nice tub, nice price ,.. Any thoughts ??
All advice will be appreciated and Thank you in advance for your help !

Welcome to the forum.  I had a Dynasty Spa and I kept it going for 8 years. While we talk a lot about dealer support, My Dynasty dealer closed down and was forced out of business. Now that isn't a direct reflection on Dynasty, but I quickly found out I couldn't depend on Dynasty. Their Customer Support was terrible.  Anytime something went wrong they had to have me verify what was in my tub.  When i spend 10k on something that has a serial number on it, I expect the manufacturer to know what is in it.   When I went to call back on a Friday at 4:30 (phones lines open till 5) I would be on hold for 30 minutes and they would dump the phone lines and put on the answering machine, that was my last straw.
Member since 2003.  Owner Dynasty Excalibur 2003-2012.   Sundance Majesta from 2012-current


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Re: Strong Spas ? Dynasty Spas ? Has Master Spas quality improved ??
« Reply #14 on: August 28, 2016, 04:44:09 pm »
$55/ month is pretty high compared to other more efficient spas like Bullfrog, Hot Spring, Jacuzzi, Artesian, D1, etc.  Where do you live?

For efficiency I would only put D1 with Hot Springs, small circ pump, full foam models. I would not put BF, Jacuzzi or Artesian against them for cost to operate. And in northern MN even HS and D1 can easily do 55 a month in winter and more. But they can get a lot lower than 30 in summer. Use is the deciding factor here. 5-10-20 bucks a month equals 1000 bucks in 10 years. If the purchase price is a couple thousand cheaper?????

I respectfully disagree.  Every manufacturer you listed is very efficient and uses a small circ pump with full foam.  They are all very efficient and I bet you wouldn't notice a significant difference between them in the same conditions.

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Re: Strong Spas ? Dynasty Spas ? Has Master Spas quality improved ??
« Reply #14 on: August 28, 2016, 04:44:09 pm »


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