Hi there guys,
Sorry for my 1st post being a "help me " post but i really need some advice before i spend quite a bit of money.
As the title says, I have a Del Sol Redondo Hot Tub. Got it from a friend about 3/4 years ago. She had it probable about 5 years and looking around on the net, it looks like its very end of life (as cant find many parts or manuals for it).
All the time we have had it we have had no problems with it till the other week. My 6 year old had some friends around and were in the tub. They kept turning on and off the bubbles (its got a slow bubble and a fast bubble circulation mode). Told them to leave it alone (which they did..amazing) and it carried on for a bit..then stopped. Fine..its just finished its filtration cycle i thought. Tried to turn it back on again a while later and nothing. The jet cycle would not come back on and the LED screen was stuck at waht seemed to be 30.0 deg c (this may have been a error code).
Tried holding on the jet button to see if it would reset it self. It turned on so i thought that was it. That was late at night so would try it again in the morning. It turned on again in the morning by holding onto the jet button again. Told the misses to keep an eye on it. Phoned me up later saying it would not turn off. Told her to turn it off at the switch on the wall and ill have a look later.
Tried again and when i use the temp up and down buttons it turns on the jets through its 2 cycles and maybe turns up the heat and down a few deg. To me..it sounds like the control panel on the tub has malfunctioned but im no hot tub engineer

...so was hoping any of you guys might have an idea?

This is what it looks like if that helps

Thx for you help peeps