I'll admit I'm BRAND NEW to hot tubbin', I've always wanted on but with very limited space I never thought it was an option. I have a corner that's about 73" x 73" but a full square tub (or even a rectangle) would be cramped. I've looked at a couple but unfortunately the options are limited. My favorite so far is the Hot Spring TX, the seating configuration would allow me to look out into the common area with a pond and fountains, the others I've seen the seating configuration would have my back to my door and my view would be hedges

The price I was quoted was just a tad over $5K which includes delivery and set up...is that fair? Can any of you seasoned folks give me some feedback on the Hot Spring TX? I have to admit the dealer in my area has been less than helpful which scares me about service if I were to ever need it UGH! It's basically a plug n play from what I understand, basic 110V small tub. I'm in South Carolina so freezing temps aren't often but it does get chilly. Thanks in advance!