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Author Topic: FL1 Error, J-345 circulation pump has power, but no pumping  (Read 3594 times)


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My Jacuzzi J-345 has an FL1 error.  The circ pump is not pumping.  I removed the filters.  I forced water from garden hose with rags around opening to attempt to force an airlock out (water has not been low).  I cycled the breaker.  No luck.  Finally, I put a meter across the terminals for the circ pump on the circuit board and it read 240V.  I assume this means there is not a problem with the flow switch and that I must have a problem with the pump.  Does this sound right?

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Re: FL1 Error, J-345 circulation pump has power, but no pumping
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2016, 09:58:59 am »


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Re: FL1 Error, J-345 circulation pump has power, but no pumping
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2016, 04:41:20 pm »
Thanks SerjicalStrike.  The tub is about 10 years old.  It has been running in continuous for its full life.  Would setting the circulation/heating cycle to one of the economy modes prolong the life of the pump? 

Also, when I took the cover off, there was a good bit of scale piled up near my larger pumps.  Is there anything I can to proactively to clean them out in order that they last longer?

Finally, does the flow switch only control the heating element?  I assume that the circuit board turns the pump one, the flow switch registers that water is flowing, and therefore the controller turns the heating element on.  If there is no flow, then the heating element will not be turned on.  But does the flow switch also provide a check on the pump?  In other words, if the pump is running, but the flow switch is not registering flow, does the controller sense that after some period of time and then shut the pump off?

Hot Tub Forum

Re: FL1 Error, J-345 circulation pump has power, but no pumping
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2016, 04:41:20 pm »


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