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Author Topic: Jacuzzi J-335 heating issue. Does circuit board need replacement?  (Read 4188 times)


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Hi All,

My Jacuzzi J-335 has not been heating up. I went through all standard troubleshooting steps for heating (removing filters, purging air-locks, etc) to no avail. Note that the control panel does not display any error, and the flow switch seems to be operating properly. Finally, I opened up the electrical control panel to inspect the wires / connections. I noted that the "Heater In" wire seemed to have blown. I have pics, but unfortunately seems like I cannot post any pics here. The part of the circuit board that the "Heater In" wire attaches to is corroded / burnt.

Interestingly, though, I tested the wire (and only the wire) with an ohmmeter and all seemed OK. My question is - do I need to replace the circuit board here? If that's the case, it's certainly not a cheap fix, but at least I can pinpoint the problem. Again, I was hoping to attach pics, but seems like I do not have that option here. :(

Advice much appreciated.

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Re: Jacuzzi J-335 heating issue. Does circuit board need replacement?
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2016, 09:08:54 am »
For most forums, you only post a 'link' of the picture from the site where your picture is hosted.

For example, say I want to share an image of my hot tub. I go ahead and upload the picture I want from my camera or hard drive to Photobucket (there are other options too), then I copy the link of that picture (It shows the link by the picture) that is on Photobucket and paste it into my message here. I can do the same with video which may have been uploaded to Youtube too. So in reality, when you see a picture in a posted message, it's actually not hosted on this site, but is linked from another site (cleaver huh?). This process takes a couple extra steps but that's how most forums work because image hosting sites are geared up with lots of server space to handle photo storage, whereas these forums generally aren't. Hope that helps.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2016, 09:12:43 am by JacuzziJack »

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Jacuzzi J-335 heating issue. Does circuit board need replacement?
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2016, 09:08:54 am »


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