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Author Topic: Leaking hot springs tub....now what????  (Read 3418 times)


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Leaking hot springs tub....now what????
« on: June 19, 2016, 07:06:30 am »
Bought my first hot tub last year (hot springs jetsetter) and since we leave the north woods for the winter, we winterized it.  I was happy to see it was running great when I got home...heating up, jets....etc.....but lo and behold...a slow leak has developed SOMEWHERE......I can't see any water coming out anywhere.....but it is.  also, some days it seems to leak more than others....trying to find a pattern. The shell does not have even a hair line crack, so I suspect an internal pipe somewhere...HOW do you go about locating it?  Since it is hardwired, you can't really turn it upside down....is it time to call the experts in?  anyone ever have something like this???  I have still been using it....just put in about 12 inches of new water every 5 days or so....kind of keeps it nice and clean....ha!  any help or suggestions would be appreciated!!!! 

Hot Tub Forum

Leaking hot springs tub....now what????
« on: June 19, 2016, 07:06:30 am »


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Re: Leaking hot springs tub....now what????
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2016, 08:11:43 am »
Did you buy this thing new or? Let it leak down to see where it stops to narrow down the problem. Turn it off to do this of course.


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Re: Leaking hot springs tub....now what????
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2016, 07:03:49 am »
Yes, I bought it new last year.   I did ask the dealer to come and look at it but the dealer is 5 hours away and is the closest one....so not sure when that will happen.  I will try to leak it down but if it is a pipe or something underneath, not sure how that will help???? I'm also not sure if the warrenty is honored if you winterize it?  I thought we did a good job of it....watched a ton of videos and did more than most....really went overboard with the whole process....and it wasn't leaking at first....so, next step?


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Re: Leaking hot springs tub....now what????
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2016, 07:05:18 pm »
It's very hard to get to the plumbing on those because of the hard foam they use.  Hopefully it's a leak in the equipment area somewhere.


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Re: Leaking hot springs tub....now what????
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2016, 08:17:18 pm »
Yes, I bought it new last year.   I did ask the dealer to come and look at it but the dealer is 5 hours away and is the closest one....so not sure when that will happen.  I will try to leak it down but if it is a pipe or something underneath, not sure how that will help???? I'm also not sure if the warrenty is honored if you winterize it?  I thought we did a good job of it....watched a ton of videos and did more than most....really went overboard with the whole process....and it wasn't leaking at first....so, next step?

Yea or light lens or something simple. Because of the warranty you kinda have to let the dealer respond. But yes.....it's hard wired, and can be easily turned over. But you won't know if it needs to be moved until you look in the equipment bay and all obvious leak areas. first. By letting it leak down you will understand the height of the leak. Plus when you shut it down to let it leak out you will also know if it leaks more or less when it's not running. This is also important to narrow down the leak. The dealer will likely be honest with you and show you any freeze damage maybe cause by not winterizing properly. Draining is also hard on pump seals and that likely won't be covered, but one year? HS guy?

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Leaking hot springs tub....now what????
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2016, 08:17:18 pm »


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