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Author Topic: decision on new HotSpring or Caldera with prices  (Read 8800 times)


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decision on new HotSpring or Caldera with prices
« on: June 14, 2016, 03:35:29 pm »
Hello all
I've been doing so many researches the last 2 weeks on hot tubs.  I've narrowed down to Hot Spring and Caldera.  These two dealers are 20 minutes away.  They gave me these prices, out the door, including delivery, cover, chemicals and taxes.
1.  Hot Spring Grandee NXT ($14,096).  This one they have in stock, brand new and wrapped.  Hence the good price.
2.  Caldera Cantabria ($16,958.94).  Have to order, 4 weeks.

$3k cheaper for Hot Spring.  I thought it would be the other way around.  I have not wet tested, but plan on it.  Please please let me know what you think?  Any advice would be helpful and much appreciated.

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decision on new HotSpring or Caldera with prices
« on: June 14, 2016, 03:35:29 pm »


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Re: decision on new HotSpring or Caldera with prices
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2016, 08:20:08 am »
We have the Caldera Geneva and the Cantabria is the next step up. Pretty much the exact same tub just a little longer and they were able to squeeze in a couple more seats. Ours is now one year old and at the time we were looking the added cost for the extra seating didn’t appeal to us. If you really have a need to get more than 6 people in the tub often then I guess one of these two would be a must have. You have to think about how important having the lounger is also. I will tell you that in our Geneva  the lounger is the number one seat we both fight over, second place goes to the corner seat with the wrist jets. And third place to the other corner seat. The wrist jets are really nice but that same seat has out of the water neck jets that are under the headrest and we both had high hopes for them but we both agree they are a gimmick and don’t work that great. The rest of the seats the two center seats are nice social seats that have nice jets but nothing to write home about and the last seat is the cool down seat and we mostly use that as a nice point for the stairs to enter the tub as that seat is flat that seat has the largest most powerful jet in the tub on the floor and if you wet test I would advise you to experiment with that some. We use it on feet, legs, back, shoulders actually anyplace you can arrange your body to get over it if you really have a problem spot. It is amazing.

Caldera changed the outside case this year but the insides look the same to me.

I can’t comment too much on the Grandee NXT too much as I haven’t been in one but the quality of both are the same would be my guess. We personally wouldn’t want to give up the lounger seat with the leg and feet jets. The color lights and waterfall feature are nice but to be honest 99% of the time the lights are on blue the default and the waterfall is off. The air jets don’t get used a lot also they are nice but make a lot of noise and the jets more than get the job done. Not sure about the HotSpring but our Caldera has a jet called whirlpool and we use it a lot when just in the tub more socially with friends it blasts out beside the cool down seat and just moves the water around the tub in a circle little water movement and so quiet on the low setting easy to talk.

Hope this helps we paid about 12k for the Geneva a year ago to give a ball park price.


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Re: decision on new HotSpring or Caldera with prices
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2016, 03:32:18 pm »
Thanks, Bud, for the detailed reply.  I appreciate it.  While I haven't wet tested any yet, I do like the lounge seating on the Caldera.  This dealer is quoting me $14,400 for a new Geneva.  While I do like a Caldera, I thought that's too much for that model, esp if it's going to cost me a little bit less for a top of the line Hot Springs (Grandee NXT $14,096).


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Re: decision on new HotSpring or Caldera with prices
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2016, 05:22:58 pm »
It sounds a little high to me as well. I’m assuming the Geneva he has is the new look to the outside. If it was last years I think you could work a deal. I thought we got a good fair price at 12k for the Geneva with cover and the fancy lifter and stairs and they delivered it to our deck and threw in one years supplies. The only thing I had to do was wire it they also include the GFCI sub panel. I think HotSprings also includes the panel if I’m not mistaken.

I like that the Caldera uses a 2 breaker panel 30/20 instead of one 50. Where we live it gets sub zero for a month sometimes and having the heater on its own breaker lets the tub go into survival mode if the heater goes. I also like the dense pack insulation and I think they both have it.

Don’t go by the feel the Caldera has empty as the seats are designed for the power of the jets. They feel really bad when empty too deep and too angled. But they do that to keep you in the seat. When the tub is running it is a totally different feeling.

Good luck if you have any specific Caldera questions ask away. The tub has mostly all good points but there were a few things they could work on. Over all I give it high marks. I wish now it would have come as a salt system mostly as I think that’s the way to go. 


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Re: decision on new HotSpring or Caldera with prices
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2016, 06:49:42 pm »
Our tax rate out here in Arizona is high, so with tax, our Cantabria would be right along that line if they didn't finance, maybe a bit higher (our tax rate is 9.18%!)

I will say with the redesign, I would imagine that most retailers had to increase the price of the Utopia line by (at a minimum) of $1500.

The Grandee NXT has a far nicer control panel.  And you can put their salt system on it.  I like both, I sell both.  I personally have an Envoy (not the NXT) with ACE, and it's awesome.  I'd consider that or the NXT version if you like the Geneva.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2016, 12:27:04 am by d00nut »


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Re: decision on new HotSpring or Caldera with prices
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2016, 11:22:55 pm »
Thank you both.  I appreciate it.  I'm wet testing the Grandee NXT and Geneva tomorrow.   


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Re: decision on new HotSpring or Caldera with prices
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2016, 01:48:16 pm »
Thanks, Bud, for the detailed reply.  I appreciate it.  While I haven't wet tested any yet, I do like the lounge seating on the Caldera.  This dealer is quoting me $14,400 for a new Geneva.  While I do like a Caldera, I thought that's too much for that model, esp if it's going to cost me a little bit less for a top of the line Hot Springs (Grandee NXT $14,096).

I actually like the redesigned Caldera Geneva a little better. Utopia and NXT series are going to be very comparable tubs


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Re: decision on new HotSpring or Caldera with prices
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2016, 10:42:45 pm »
Also interested in these models.

I'm wet testing the Cantabria and Jacuzzi 495, 480 next week.


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Re: decision on new HotSpring or Caldera with prices
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2016, 07:20:25 am »
Thanks, Bud, for the detailed reply.  I appreciate it.  While I haven't wet tested any yet, I do like the lounge seating on the Caldera.  This dealer is quoting me $14,400 for a new Geneva.  While I do like a Caldera, I thought that's too much for that model, esp if it's going to cost me a little bit less for a top of the line Hot Springs (Grandee NXT $14,096).

I actually like the redesigned Caldera Geneva a little better. Utopia and NXT series are going to be very comparable tubs

In taking a closer look at the new Geneva it looks like they did change quite a bit added another Euphoria jet and change the lounger seat taking out the ridges for your heals. Looks like a big change is they no longer have the air pump.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: decision on new HotSpring or Caldera with prices
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2016, 07:20:25 am »


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