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Author Topic: Ford Vs Chevy  (Read 6298 times)


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Ford Vs Chevy
« on: July 23, 2004, 02:29:48 pm »
You know, there's WAY too much of "Chevy Vs Ford" on this site.

I'm not an expert, more like a novice, but after spending over 2 month's reading this board (and for a while 3 others) I think it's safe to say the following:

Find one of the top manufacturer’s, wet test and find what you like, then get your best price.

What I like may not be what you like and vice-versa, however if you get one of the top half-dozen brands I don’t think you can go too far wrong.

I was all set to buy a Hotsprings after what I had read on this board. I was also very impressed by how professional Chas is, and while he is a Hotsprings dealer he doesn’t badmouth the other good brands. The fact that I live in close proximity to one of his two stores had me all set to buy from him.

However, when I went to wet test Hotsprings neither my wife nor I fit well in any of their tubs. I’m 6’-2” and my wife is 5’-10”, and both of us have most of our height in our backs, not our legs, so we were both too tall for most of the tubs. No matter what tub I sat in, wet or dry, there was no way I could get my neck under the water level unless I slouched in the seat.

It was even worse with the D-1 spas. While that adjustable headrest thingy seems like a good idea, the only way I could get under it even with it adjusted all the way up was to have my rear on the “hump” of the seat.

We looked at the Sundance Spas, and the Cameo & the Optima fit like a glove. We’ve had loungers before and we like them, so my wife and I bought the Cameo.

All in all, we looked at many of the top brands, but not all, as some were an hour or more drive away and we loved the Cameo, and liked the dealer so we stopped looking.  

We wet & dry tested a number of tubs including Sundance, Sweetwater, Hotsprings, Caldera, Tiger River, D-1, and a couple of other’s that I’ve forgotten the names after I discovered we didn’t fit or didn’t like them (Sorry JT I didn’t try Jacuzzi, they’re too far away!).

I’m not going to say that Sundance is the best or only spa to buy, but for US it’s the best spa to buy. Get a good tub, fill it up, jump in, AND STOP STRESSING OUT OVER WHO HAS THE BEST TUB!

Happy soaking.

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Ford Vs Chevy
« on: July 23, 2004, 02:29:48 pm »


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Re: Ford Vs Chevy
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2004, 02:37:12 pm »
I still feel that this forum is less of a peeing contest than others.  That is why I post here soley.  I do like what you said about;
"What I like may not be what you like and vice-versa, however if you get one of the top half-dozen brands I don’t think you can go too far wrong."

For those of us that sell spas, we are competative by nature (that's why we are so good at what we do 8))  I myself, at times, get jealouse of some of the features my "line" doesn't offer.  I think all of us a at least a little guilty of this.  Much like any good sales person I like to shop my competition (sorry if it was you who's time I wasted).  A lot of the competion in my area bashed my "line" as well as other "big players" in the area.  Picking apart the things they dont have in common.

Each manufacturer has there own "bell or whistle" that sets them apart.  As I always tell my customers "I will show you the benefits of what we have to offer, it is your decision to decide what works best for you".

i.e.--Softub makes a great tub for those who have size or installation concerns.  However, they might not accomadate a taller person as easily as a "grandee".  But if your main concern is based on a limited area you have two options
1. find a new area
2. go with the smaller spa


Note to self: don't post a message untill after lunch.  You get carried away. Go Eat! ;D
« Last Edit: July 23, 2004, 02:52:40 pm by huh »


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Re: Ford Vs Chevy
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2004, 02:41:38 pm »
I still feel that this forum is less of a peeing contest than others.  That is why I post here soley.  I do like what you said about What I like may not be what you like and vice-versa, however if you get one of the top half-dozen brands I don’t think you can go too far wrong.



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Re: Ford Vs Chevy
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2004, 03:16:21 pm »
You know, there's WAY too much of "Chevy Vs Ford" on this site.

There is undeniably the FORD VS CHEVY factor, but too much? I don't think so, but it is certainly open for debate. Its part of the reason I took the brand of tub I bought off my signature.  But after being here awhile I've gotten pretty good at knowing where people are coming from and weighing what I learn here.  Isn't that what we do all day as adults?

Now back to the brand wars, do you have a Dynasty dealer nearby?  It definitely fits the tall people that come into mine.  They do seem similar in many ways to Sundance.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2004, 03:17:22 pm by wmccall »
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Re: Ford Vs Chevy
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2004, 03:27:07 pm »
I was all set to buy a Hotsprings after what I had read on this board. I was also very impressed by how professional Chas is, and while he is a Hotsprings dealer he doesn’t badmouth the other good brands. The fact that I live in close proximity to one of his two stores had me all set to buy from him.

However, when I went to wet test Hotsprings neither my wife nor I fit well in any of their tubs. I’m 6’-2” and my wife is 5’-10”, and both of us have most of our height in our backs, not our legs, so we were both too tall for most of the tubs. No matter what tub I sat in, wet or dry, there was no way I could get my neck under the water level unless I slouched in the seat.

Does this mean I can stop calling you during dinnertime?  ;)
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Re: Ford Vs Chevy
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2004, 03:51:11 pm »
Ford 302 10 head bolts....Chevy 350 17 head bolts,I guess it all boils down to what you want to wrench on,and what kind of performance expections you want/desire.?.

Jim still touting da 3 cylinder Geo Metro?


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Re: Ford Vs Chevy
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2004, 04:00:43 pm »
There is ALOT of Ford versus Chevy here, but most of its all in good fun.  I completely agree that what is right for some may not be right for others. I do feel at times that people can attack a certain brand a little too harshly, because they completely believe in their brand.  Well thats good for them but you shouldn't try to make someone have buyers remorse after they have already purchased. Luckily most people seem to be very polite about their comments.  I have learned alot from reading this forum and enjoy knowing that I can write about a problem and get many great answers. I just hope everyone remembers that some of us have a certain budget we can spend and may not be able to afford the "caddy" of all tubs. In my case I had the choice of the best tub and leaving my bathroom looking like something straight out of that 70's show or a good middle range tub and a shining new bathroom. I chose the latter. Anyway I hope everyone enjoys whichever hot tub they choose for many years to come......Can't we all just "get along"??? LOL


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Re: Ford Vs Chevy
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2004, 04:44:08 pm »
Ford VS Chevy?  A bit, but I don't think excessive at all.
A bit of this type of debate is healty, IMHO.
There are a few posters who seem to have a zealot like devotion to their spa model, and go nuts when someone points out any flaws, but most of us know at least at some level that there are many fine choices out there. I can certainly deal with the fact that the Optima isn't the choice for everyone.  

God only knows why anyone would think otherwise, but I can handle that, I really can. ;)



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Re: Ford Vs Chevy
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2004, 05:07:35 pm »
There are a few posters who seem to have a zealot like devotion to their spa model, and go nuts when someone points out any flaws, but most of us know at least at some level that there are many fine choices out there.

You said it! y'know it seems like its the tub owners or those who wont admit thay are dealers, that seem to get the craziest. IMO
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Re: Ford Vs Chevy
« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2004, 06:00:01 pm »
C'mon, Chevy obviously tops Ford!
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Re: Ford Vs Chevy
« Reply #10 on: July 23, 2004, 06:30:50 pm »

C'mon, Chevy obviously tops Ford!

If you like it and you want it BUY IT!


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Re: Ford Vs Chevy
« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2004, 06:40:33 pm »
I guess I may have said it a little strong, but I had just finished reading a few posts where a certain someone came on a little strong about how good his brand is compared to others.

You're right about one thing, this board IS much better than the others, that's why I'm going to spend my time here from now on.

BTW, thanks to all of you who do post positively, I learned a LOT in a short amount of time from reading the informative posts.

Chas - yep, you can quit calling me at dinner from now on  ;D. Sorry I didn't get to meet you when I came in. I think you were suffering in Yosemite at the time 8).


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Re: Ford Vs Chevy
« Reply #12 on: July 23, 2004, 06:44:13 pm »

There is a Dynasty dealer nearby. Somehow I missed it in my initial search :(.

Oh well, I'll check it out after the fact (Cameo due in about 10 days).


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Re: Ford Vs Chevy
« Reply #13 on: July 23, 2004, 06:44:39 pm »
Yeah, I agree there is an element of Ford v. Chevrolet- but in the big picture, I think its more from happy owners than from the dealers.

I think this is true for two reasons;

1) Dealers arent going to be able to drive prospects to their product because they are not vested in delivering to customers more than an hour away from them in most cases. "Pitching" product here is a little like preaching to the choir-- Everyone has heard it before, and has little effect.

2) New or very loyal spa owners have spent alot of time searching for their tubs and want to reinforce their purchase decision by pointing out product differences and distinctions, even when there arent very many. Some advocates are certain that if their tub was right for them; its also right for everyone else. A false premise, but despite this, the experienced spa buyers comments are still helpful.

The attitude in this forum is definately much lighter and jovial than in years past- (I recall many many pages of postings of arguements over one topic, neverending because there were just some here that HAD to have the last word.) Fortunately, things change.


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Re: Ford Vs Chevy
« Reply #14 on: July 24, 2004, 12:50:22 am »
Personally I'm a dodge diesel fan.

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Re: Ford Vs Chevy
« Reply #14 on: July 24, 2004, 12:50:22 am »


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