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Author Topic: TA and pH woes  (Read 3971 times)


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TA and pH woes
« on: June 08, 2016, 01:49:44 pm »
I'm new to hot tubs, having taken delivery of my Bullfrog A7 less than two weeks ago. I'm sure a lot of other new folks have issues with chemistry balance at first, but I've been pretty frustrated.

The issue is I'm having a really hard time getting TA and pH balanced. Out of the faucet, my test strips read a TA of about 0-20 and a pH of 6.8. I added the recommended amount to bring TA up to around 120 which was successful. However, it made my pH shoot up to 8.4 (and I suspect higher, but that's how far my test strips go). I decided to let it sit to see if it would balance out.

Within a couple days I started seeing a thick, chalky white line forming around the water line. I attempted to lower the pH with pH down, but it only seemed to bring the TA down. Once I hit 40 TA the pH was still 8.4 (or higher), so I tried once more to raise the TA but the result was the same (normal TA, high or very high pH). The chalky white line was getting worse, so last night I drained, cleaned the white lines (diluted vinegar solution), rinsed and refilled the tub.

Also I have Spa Frog and was having a hard time keeping the bromine up. I suspected this was due to high pH. I've ruled out the test strips, I bought some AquaChek and they read about the same as the Spa Frog test strips.

As of this morning I'm now back to a fresh fill that I have heated but otherwise not touched (TA 0-20, pH 6.8 ). Does anyone have any suggestions to assist me in doing this correctly?

Thank you!
« Last Edit: June 09, 2016, 05:53:21 am by dmcmillen »

Hot Tub Forum

TA and pH woes
« on: June 08, 2016, 01:49:44 pm »


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Re: TA and pH woes
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2016, 02:45:31 pm »
Are you starting out with the bromine boast pack?

I fought with bromine for 6 months and eventually switched to chlorine. I had the inline frog system and my numbers were up and down.

I just dose daily now for the last 6 months with roughly a tablespoon of dichlor and shock as needed and everything is going great.

The Wizard of Spas

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Re: TA and pH woes
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2016, 03:21:03 pm »
Sometimes when boosting TA, you might want to do it slowly in stages.  That will help reduce the jump in pH.  To increase TA, the chemical is Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate.  To increase pH the product is Sodium Carbonate.  As you can see, they are very similar products.  Thus a slow addition over time will help reduce the increase in pH.

To decrease either pH or TA, the powder used (Sodium BiSulfate) will reduce both levels.  The most effective way that I have found to decrease is to add the product and run for a few minutes and shut the unit off for several hours.  You can add the reducing agent and let the jets run and it will be fine.  But I have found that when left still, the effects are better.

Finally- Spa Frog, Nature II, @ease, etc all work best when started once your water is balanced.  Thus if your water wasn't balanced from the onset you wont get a good read on your products.  Note that for future use.  Additionally, the white build up is usually undissolved product.  You may try predissolving the product in water first prior adding it to your spa water.

I hope this helps. Good luck moving forward.


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Re: TA and pH woes
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2016, 09:41:05 pm »
I added 2oz TA up (pre-dissolved) which, 2 hours later, brought my TA to 80 and my pH up to 7.8. I feel like I'm going in the wrong direction again, should I continue to adjust or go ahead and add Spa Frog Jump Start and bromine/mineral cartridges?


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Re: TA and pH woes
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2016, 06:43:04 am »
OK, I went ahead with the jump start and bromine/mineral cartridges. 12 hours later and my pH is down to 7.6, TA holding at 80. I think I'm in a good place with it now, will monitor weekly. Thanks all for the advice.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: TA and pH woes
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2016, 06:43:04 am »


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