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So I just changed my water for the first time last week. Everything is balanced, according to the test strips. TA, Hardness, PH, all good. There is a very pungent plastic kind of smell that I cant really nail down. It doesn't smell moldy. The tub is only four months old so I can't imagine what it could be. I had no such smell from the first batch of water. I am using chlorine, if that matters. Shocking once a week. It's just the wife and I we use it 5 or so times a week, give or take. Do I need to just drain it and refill?
I let it sit with the jets running and the cover open after I shocked it, hoping the smell would go away but it hasn't.
OK, I've been going nuts with my cloudy, soapy, plasticky stinky water. I finally decided to dump it after only a few weeks and start over. Well, upon giving my filters a cursory rinse I discovered that my silver ion cartridge was in backwards and it looked like it may have been blocking the circulation pump filter. There was some nasty gook in there, and my water was dirty as hell. That must have been it. Total bonehead rookie mistake, but when they were showing my how to do stuff when they delivered it, it looked like he just threw the thing in there in a haphazard fashion. Turned out he didn't, but I did when I changed the water. I hope that was the issue. It also explains all the foamy soapy stuff because the ozonator probably wasn't doing squat.My question is, if that thing was plugged up for three weeks did I burn out my circulation pump? How would I know in the short term?